With practical coverage of both adult and pediatric fractures, Handbook of Fractures, Sixth Edition is the must-have reference for residents and anyone—nurse practitioners and physician assistants, for example—in either the orthopaedic or emergency medicine setting. The book’s easy-to-read review provides fast access to information on all aspects of fracture management and classification—from anatomy and mechanism of injury to clinical and radiologic evaluation and treatment.
Includes all major fracture classifications systems, and covers special topics such as multiple trauma, gunshot wounds, pathologic and periprosthetic fractures, and orthopaedic analgesia.
Features a concise, bulleted structure for efficient review of fractures throughout the body.
Packed with illustrations, quick-reference charts, tables, diagrams, and bulleted lists.
Widely used by orthopaedic residents and surgeons, orthopaedic trauma fellows, primary care and emergency medicine physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
September 25, 2018
Kenneth Egol MD
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, NYU Medical School Hospital for Joint Disease, New York, NY
vii Contents Preface ix Part One: GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 1. Closed Reduction, Casting, and Traction 3 2. Multiple Trauma 11 3. Open Fractures 26 4. Gunshot Wounds 36 5. Pathologic Fractures 41 6. Periprosthetic Fractures 50 7. Orthopaedic Analgesia 64 Part Two: AXIAL SKELETON FRACTURES 8. General Spine 81 9. Cervical Spine 95 10. Thoracolumbar Spine 121 Part Three: UPPER EXTREMITY FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS 11. Clavicle Fractures 139 12. Acromioclavicular and Sternoclavicular Joint Injuries 145 13. Scapula and Thorax Fractures 157 14. Glenohumeral Dislocation 171 15. Proximal Humerus Fractures 191 16. Humeral Shaft Fractures 201 17. Distal Humerus 213 18. Elbow Dislocation 230 19. Olecranon 244 20. Radial Head 251 21. Radius and Ulna Shaft Fractures 260 22. Distal Radius Fractures 272viii Contents 23. Wrist Fractures 286 24. Fractures and Dislocations of the Hand 311 Part Four: LOWER EXTREMITY FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS 25. Pelvis Fractures 333 26. Acetabulum Fractures 350 27. Hip Dislocations 366 28. Femoral Head Fractures 378 29. Femoral Neck Fractures 384 30. Intertrochanteric Fractures 395 31. Subtrochanteric Fractures 406 32. Femoral Shaft Fractures 414 33. Distal Femur Fractures 426 34. Knee Dislocation (Femorotibial) 435 35. Patella and Extensor Mechanism Injuries 445 36. Tibial Plateau Fractures 462 37. Tibia and Fibula Shaft Fractures 471 38. Injuries about the Ankle 482 39. Calcaneus Fractures 512 40. Talus Fractures 525 41. Fractures of the Midfoot and Forefoot 535 Part Five: PEDIATRIC FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS 42. Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery: General Principles 567 43. Pediatric Shoulder 576 44. Pediatric Elbow 601 45. Pediatric Forearm 644 46. Pediatric Wrist and Hand 659 47. Pediatric Hip Fractures and Dislocations 679 48. Pediatric Femoral Shaft Fractures 688 49. Pediatric Knee 696 50. Pediatric Tibia and Fibula 724 51. Pediatric Ankle 740 52. Pediatric Foot 749 Part Six: INTRAOPERATIVE IMAGING 53. Intraoperative Patient Positioning and Fluoroscopy for Common Fracture Surgeries 769 Index 781
Includes all major fracture classifications systems, and covers special topics such as multiple trauma, gunshot wounds, pathologic and periprosthetic fractures, and orthopaedic analgesia.
Features a concise, bulleted structure for efficient review of fractures throughout the body.
Packed with illustrations, quick-reference charts, tables, diagrams, and bulleted lists.
Widely used by orthopaedic residents and surgeons, orthopaedic trauma fellows, primary care and emergency medicine physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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