Home / Medicine / Irwin & Rippe’s Ultrasonography for Management of the Critically Ill

Irwin & Rippe’s Ultrasonography for Management of the Critically Ill

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
November 4, 2020
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Enhancing and adding to ultrasonographic text and video content in Irwin & Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine, Eighth Edition, this easy-to-follow ...
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  • Enhancing and adding to ultrasonographic text and video content in Irwin & Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine, Eighth Edition, this easy-to-follow volume provides expert guidance on the optimal use of ultrasound in the critical care environment. Irwin & Rippe’s Ultrasonography for  Management of the Critically Ill covers a wide variety of critical care procedures, explaining how to perform them and how ultrasound can be used to support evaluation and management services to patients with life-threatening illnesses or injuries. 

    • Covers commonly performed procedures, including neurological, airway and respiratory, cardiac, vascular and hematological, gastrointestinal and abdominal, genitourinary, and peripheral.  
    • Features sections on the general use of ultrasonography and patient comfort during procedures.
    • Includes illustrations, plus dynamic, highly instructive videos that help you perform rapid bedside diagnostic evaluation of unstable patients.
    • Ideal for critical care practitioners, fellows, and nurses, as well as other critical care clinicians who seek to incorporate ultrasonography into their practices. 
    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
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    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    November 4, 2020
  • Craig M. Lilly MD
    Paul H. Mayo
    Seth J. Koenig
    Richard S. Irwin MD
    Professor of Medicine and Nursing, University of Massachusetts Medical School and Graduate School of Nursing, Worcester, MA; Chief, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine, UMass Memorial Health Care, Worcester, MA ; Chief, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine, UMass Memorial Health Care, Worcester, MA
    • Covers commonly performed procedures, including neurological, airway and respiratory, cardiac, vascular and hematological, gastrointestinal and abdominal, genitourinary, and peripheral.  
    • Features sections on the general use of ultrasonography and patient comfort during procedures.
    • Includes illustrations, plus dynamic, highly instructive videos that help you perform rapid bedside diagnostic evaluation of unstable patients.
    • Ideal for critical care practitioners, fellows, and nurses, as well as other critical care clinicians who seek to incorporate ultrasonography into their practices. 
    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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Irwin & Rippe’s Ultrasonography for Management of the Critically Ill

Irwin & Rippe’s Ultrasonography for Management of the Critically Ill

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975144951
USD $163.99 Quantity:
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