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Psychiatric Nursing Made Incredibly Easy

Edition: 3
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Need an insightful, real-world guide to mental health care concepts? The newly updated Psychiatric Nursing made Incredibly Easy, 3rd Edition ...
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  • Need an insightful, real-world guide to mental health care concepts? The newly updated Psychiatric Nursing made Incredibly Easy, 3rd Edition addresses numerous mental health nursing issues, defining disorders and management strategies and offering down-to-earth guidance on a range of care issues — all in the enjoyable Made Incredibly Easy® style.

    With guidance that applies to any healthcare setting, this colorfully illustrated guide walks you through the vital skills needed for psychiatric mental health nursing care, offering solid support for being exam-ready and for handling a range of mental health and substance use concerns while on the job.

    Provide an informed, holistic approach to mental health care …
    • NEW and updated content in an quick-read format that mirrors the layout of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5)
    • NEW current, key information on the opioid crisis, including relevant screening tools and interventions that help you identify concerns at any point of care
    • NEW Practice Makes Perfect practice test – ideal for NCLEX examination study 
    • Quick-scan tables, flow charts and illustrations that help you grasp the material more fully
    • Provides a valuable, fundamental overview of psychiatric mental health conditions – structured to help nurses in all settings provide patients with optimal care
    • Chapters address numerous disorders, including neurodevelopmental, bipolar, depressive, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, trauma and stressor-related, dissociative, neurocognitive, personality, somatic symptom, sleep-wake, and psychotic disorders, as well as sexual dysfunction, gender dysphoria, and more
    • Offers crucial care guidance on issues including patient and family advocacy, health promotion and teaching, psychopharmacology, interprofessional collaboration, and ethical and legal issues in mental health care
    • Chapter features include:
      • Advice from the Experts – tips and how-to’s from experienced psychiatric nurses
      • Myth Busters – distinguishes facts from myths about mental health issues and focuses on appropriate care approaches
      • Bridging the Gap – overviews of unique beliefs and needs within specific groups
      • Meds Matters – psychopharmacologic treatments for psychiatric concerns
      • Quick Quiz – multiple-choice questions after each chapter that help you retain knowledge
      • Memory Joggers – memory tricks and other aids that help you understand and remember difficult concepts
      • “Nurse Joy and Nurse Jake” – emphasize important care concepts
      • Practice Makes Perfect – end-of-book, NCLEX-style practice questions
    About the Clinical Editors

    Cherie R. Rebar, PhD, MBA, RN, COI, is a Nursing Education Strategist at Connect: RN2ED in Beavercreek, Ohio, a Professor of Nursing at Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio, and adjunct faculty at Mercy College School of Nursing in Toledo, Ohio, and Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana.
    Nicole Heimgartner, DNP, MSN, RN, COI, is a Nursing Education Strategist at Connect: RN2ED in Beavercreek, Ohio, and is Adjunct Faculty at Mercy College School of Nursing in Toledo, Ohio and American Sentinel University in Denver, Colorado.
    Carolyn Gersch, PhD, RN, CNE, is a Nursing Education Strategist at Connect: RN2ED, in Beavercreek, Ohio, and Curriculum Coordinator at Ohio Medical Career College in Dayton, Ohio.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 9
    Incredibly Easy! Series®
    Publication Date
    June 17, 2020
  • Cherie R. Rebar PhD, MBA, RN, CNE, CNEcl

    Professor of Nursing; Wittenburg University, Springfield, Ohio

    Carolyn J. Gersch PhD, MSN, RN, CNE

    Professor of Practice, Nursing; Wittenburg University, Springfield, Ohio

    Nicole M. Heimgartner DNP, RN, CNE, CNEcl, COI
    Faculty of Nursing; Galen College of Nursing, Louisville, Kentucky
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Psychiatric Nursing Made Incredibly Easy

Psychiatric Nursing Made Incredibly Easy

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975144340
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