Designed specifically for nephrologists and trainees practicing in the ICU, Handbook of Critical Care Nephrology is a portable critical care reference with a unique and practical nephrology focus. Full-color illustrations, numerous algorithms, and intuitively arranged contents make this manual a must-have resource for nephrology in today’s ICU.
Covers all essential topics related to nephrology in the ICU, including ICU monitoring, drugs and blood products, imaging, acute kidney injury, electrolytes and acid-base disorders, poisonings and intoxications, extracorporeal therapies, organ transplantation, and ethics and palliative care.
Provides valuable information on specific conditions including sepsis, obstetrics, abdominal compartment syndrome, AKI in burns and trauma, gastrointestinal bleeding, neurological emergencies, environmental topics such as hemorrhagic fever and terrorism, hematologic/oncologic emergencies, and more.
Includes easy-to-understand visual abstracts of key studies.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
April 18, 2021
Jay L. Koyner
Joel Topf
Edgar Lerma MD
Clinical Professor of Medicine Section of Nephrology University of Illinois at Chicago/Advocate Christ Medical Center Oak Lawn, IL Associates in Nephrology Chicago, IL
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