Awarded first place in the 2018 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Digital Products Lippincott Clinical Experiences: Community, Public, and Population Health Nursing offers clinical experiences that consistently expose students to diverse settings, situations, and populations. As students immerse themselves in a safe and engaging virtual environment, they are exposed to the real-life application of key community, public, and population health concepts. Students make observations, hold virtual conversations, triage at a disaster scene, do research online, conduct interviews, and more.
The students’ virtual experience is enhanced by surrounding curricula, including suggested readings, active learning assignments, and assessments, which are designed to assist with their knowledge acquisition and enhance their critical thinking skills.
Additional real world clinical assignments—that do not need a proctor—can supplement or replace current clinical activities or Practicum. These clinicals get students thinking about their communities through a community health lens and looking at larger public health and population health issues.
Reporting tools track students’ learning and progress. KEY FEATURES
Independent, portable virtual experiences give students rich, broad, anytime and anywhere community health clinicals.
Virtual experiences allow students to practice communication and intervention skills and gain experience dangerous, sensitive, and vulnerable settings and situations in a safe low-stakes engaging environment.
Diverse settings (such as a prison, client home, disaster setting, community health clinic, and shelter) allow students to experience the breadth of community health nursing.
Assignments provided for both the virtual and real-world experiences tie content to practical application and allow students to broaden their understanding of community, public, and population health issues.
Reports on student assessments, as well as actions completed in the virtual experience, provide instructors and students with the information needed for success.
Product Format
Shippable Access Cards
Lippincott Clinical Experiences
Jone Tiffany
Barbara Hoglund
USD $139.99
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Lippincott Clinical Experiences: Community, Public, and Population Health Nursing Standalone Version
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975144074
USD $139.99 Quantity:
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