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Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Support Oncology

Edition: 5
Publication Date:
March 2, 2021
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Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! The only book on the market to cover palliative care ...
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  • Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023!

    The only book on the market to cover palliative care for both adults and children, Pediatric and Adult Palliative Care and Support Oncology offers an easy-to-read, interdisciplinary approach to supportive oncology as well as end-of-life care. Ideal for oncologists, residents, fellows, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants, the fifth edition provides important updates for conventional topics while also featuring several brand new chapters. Covering everything from dermatologic toxicity of cancer treatment to running family meetings for setting goals of care, this unique title is a source of both help and inspiration to all those who care for patients with cancer.
    • Offers an interdisciplinary approach to supportive oncology, providing practical ways to implement integrated care to patients and families who live with cancer. 

    • Covers common issues such as pain, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting—both the physical symptoms  and the psychosocial/spiritual effects—helping the reader understand practical ways of integrating curing and healing. 

    • Features entirely new chapters covering emerging topics in the field of palliative care, such as cannabinoids, survivorship issues in pediatrics, and cancer genetics.  

    • Provides expert guidance from contributing authors in medial, radiation, and surgical oncology, as well as nursing, neurology, psychiatry, anesthesiology, and pharmacology. 

    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience 

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. 

    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. 

  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    March 2, 2021
  • Ann Berger MSN, MD
    Chief of Pain and Palliative Care
    Director of Hospice and Palliative Care Fellowship
    National Institutes of Health
    Clinical Center
    Bethesda, Maryland
    Joseph F. O'Neill MD
    Clinical Professor
    Department of Medicine
    University of Maryland School of Medicine
    Baltimore, Maryland

    Staff Physician in Internal and Palliative Medicine
    University of Maryland Shore Health
    Easton, Maryland
    Contributing Authors v
    Preface xiii
    Acknowledgments xv
    Symptoms and Syndromes 1
    Part A: Pain
    1. Neuropathic, Bone, and Visceral Pain
    Syndromes 2
    Terry L. Barrett and Emily J. Martin
    2. Opioid Pharmacotherapy 22
    Alexandra L. McPherson, Mary Lynn
    McPherson, and Judith A. Paice
    3. Nonpharmacologic Management of Pain 44
    Ryan Tourtellot and Angela K. M. Lipshutz
    4. Interventional Approach to Pain 58
    Philip S. Kim, Andrew Mannes, and Russell
    R. Lonser
    5. Treatment Planning in Palliative
    Radiotherapy 70
    Christen R. Elledge and Sara R. Alcorn
    6. Pathophysiology of Chemotherapy-Induced
    Peripheral Neuropathy 88
    Xiao-Min Wang, Jane M. Fall-Dickson,
    Zhang-Jin Zhang, and Tanya J. Lehky
    Part B: Constitutional Symptoms
    7. Cancer-Related Fatigue 100
    Xin Shelley Wang
    8. Fever and Sweats 114
    Christopher Ahern and Elizabeth Prsic
    9. Hot Flashes 127
    Cindy S. Tofthagen and Charles L. Loprinzi
    Part C: Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Syndromes
    10. Anorexia/Weight Loss 141
    Egidio Del Fabbro and Eduardo Bruera
    11. Swallowing and Speech Considerations in
    Palliative Care 164
    Beth I. Solomon and Monique C. King
    12. Chemotherapy-Related Nausea and Vomiting
    and Treatment-Related Nausea
    and Vomiting 180
    Han Le
    13. Assessment and Management of Chronic
    Nausea and Vomiting 194
    Lakshmi Vaidyanathan
    14. Diarrhea, Malabsorption, and
    Constipation 207
    Erica Schockett and Pallavi Doddakashi
    15. Bowel Obstruction 226
    Maria Pia Morelli
    16. Diagnosis and Management of
    Effusions 245
    Gary T. Buckholz and Charles F. von
    17. Hiccups and Other Gastrointestinal
    Symptoms 258
    Nabeel Sarhill, Fade Mahmoud, and Donato
    G. Dumlao
    18. Oral Manifestations and Complications of
    Cancer Therapy 273
    Jane M. Fall-Dickson, Madeline R. Kozak,
    and Ann M. Berger
    Part D: Skin
    19. Pruritus 295
    Ivy Akid and Ambereen K. Mehta
    20. Management of Tumor-Related Skin
    Disorders 307
    Shali Zhang
    21. Dermatologic Adverse Events during
    Treatment 322
    Brianna Olamiju, Sara Yumeen, Y evgeniy
    Balagula, Alyx Rosen Aigen, and Jonathan
    Scott Leventhal
    22. Management of Pressure Injury,
    Fungating Malignant Wounds, Fistulas,
    and Stomas 337
    Sonika Pandey and Linda J. Stricker
    23. Lymphedema 352
    Vaughan L. Keeley
    Part E: Cardiopulmonary and Vascular
    24. Dyspnea in the Cancer Patient 366
    Ann M. Berger
    25. Hemoptysis, Airway Obstruction,
    Bronchospasm, Cough, and Pulmonary
    Complications/Symptoms of Cancer and Its
    Treatment 380
    Sebastian Cousins, Hunter Groninger, and
    Jaya Vijayan 26. Prevention, Assessment, and Management
    of Treatment-Induced Cardiac Disease in
    Cancer Patients 396
    Krishna Upadhyaya, Sarah C. Hull, Ben A.
    Lin, Elizabeth Prsic, Mariana Henry, and
    Lauren A. Baldassarre
    27. Noninvasive Respiratory Support and
    Palliative Care 410
    John R. Bach and Liping Wang
    Part F: Genitourinary Symptoms and Syndromes
    28. Urologic Issues in Palliative Care 421
    Hiren V . Patel, Brian Shinder, Adam R.
    Metwalli, Peter A. Pinto, and Eric A. Singer
    29. Impact of Hepatic and Renal Dysfunction on
    Pharmacology of Palliative Care Drugs 443
    Katelyn Stepanyan and Thomas Strouse
    Part G: Metabolic Disorders
    30. Metabolic Disorders in the Cancer
    Patient 451
    Victoria Anderson and Jaydira Del Rivero
    31. Infectious Complications/Management 465
    Juan C. Gea-Banacloche and Jennifer M.
    Part H: Selected Neurologic Symptoms and
    32. Management of Intracranial
    Metastases 482
    Karine A. Al Feghali and Caroline Chung
    33. Management of Spinal Cord and Cauda
    Equina Compression 494
    Sharon M. Weinstein and Jason G. Ramirez
    Part I: Selected Psychiatric Symptoms and
    34. Recognizing and Managing
    Delirium 512
    Elizabeth L. Cobbs and Jacob W . Phillips
    35. Depression and Anxiety in Palliative
    Care 526
    Paul Noufi, Haniya Raza, and
    Maryland Pao
    36. Cognitive Decline Following Cancer
    Treatment 554
    Elizabeth Ryan, Alexandra M. Gaynor,
    Katrazyna McNeal, Tim A. Ahles, and James
    C. Root
    37. Substance Use Disorders and Palliative
    Care 570
    Karen Blackstone
    Issues in Palliative Care 584
    Part A: Definitions and Models
    38. Hospice 585
    Martha L. Twaddle and Laura Patel
    Part B: Assessment Issues
    39. Cultural Issues in Palliatives and Supportive
    Oncology 595
    Joseph F. O’Neill, Margaret M. Mahon, and
    Gregory Pappas
    40. Communication During Transitions of
    Care 600
    Anne M. Kelemen, Clara Van Gerven, and
    Terry Altilio
    41. The Family Meeting 614
    Sumi K. Misra and Mohana B. Karlekar
    Part C: Other Issues in Palliative Care
    42. Psychosocial Consequences of Advanced
    Cancer 626
    James R. Zabora and Matthew J. Loscalzo
    43. Disorders of Sexuality and Reproduction 645
    Mary K. Hughes
    44. Caregiving in the Home 656
    Betty Ferrell and Pierce DiMauro
    45. Management of Symptoms in the Actively
    Dying Patient 670
    Teresa Khoo and Christopher J. Pietras
    46. Spirituality 683
    Christina M. Puchalski
    47. Grief and Bereavement 703
    Carol Kummet and Susan E. Merel
    48. Staff Stress and Burnout 713
    Laura D. Johnson, Alvin L. Reaves III, and
    Hunter Groninger
    Ethical Considerations in Palliative
    Care 725
    49. Advance Care Planning, Advance Directives,
    and Withholding and Withdrawing
    Treatment 726
    Hae Lin Cho and Christine Grady
    50. Palliative Care: Ethics and the Law 736
    Ryan R. Nash and Nicole Shirilla
    51. Assisted Suicide or Understanding and
    Responding to Requests for Hastened
    Death 750
    Margaret M. MahonSECTION IV
    Special Interventions in Supportive and
    Palliative Care 765
    52. Hematologic Support of the Cancer
    Patient 766
    Vanessa Wookey and Lee Schwartzberg
    53. Issues in Nutrition and Hydration 785
    Elizabeth Kvale and Christine S. Ritchie
    54. Complementary and Integrative Therapies in
    Oncology 797
    Maleeha Ruhi, Karen Baker, and M. Jennifer
    55. Cannabinoids 821
    Sonia Malani, Mary Brown, Jessica Streufert,
    and Sunil Kumar Aggarwal
    Special Populations 829
    56. Geriatric Palliative Care 830
    Jessica Israel and R. Sean Morrison
    57. Palliative Care in Pediatrics 840
    Stacie Stapleton, Valerie A. Cruz Flores,
    Anna Sedney, Jasmine Williams, and Laura
    58. Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation and
    Supportive Care 879
    Nina L. Bray and Ann M. Berger
    59. Survivorship Issues in Pediatrics 894
    Rebecca Berger and Lynda Kwon Beaupin
    60. Survivorship Issues in Adults 911
    Rachel Ombres, M. Jennifer Cheng, and
    Schuyler C. Cunningham
    61. Cancer Genetics and Palliative Care 938
    Xiao P . Peng, Ruthann M. Giusti, and Joann
    N. Bodurtha
    62. Palliative and Supportive Care: The Global
    Context 962
    Joseph O’Neill and Stephen Connor
    Research Issues in Supportive Palliative
    Care 971
    63. Outcomes Assessment in Palliative
    Care 972
    Joan M. Teno
    64. Research Issues: Ethics and Study
    Design 981
    Ryan D. Stephenson, Biren Saraiya, and
    Eric A. Singer
    Index 991
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Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Support Oncology

Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Support Oncology

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