Be inspired by the timeless insights of the woman who created the foundations of modern nursing, with Florence Nightingale’s Notes On Nursing , the 160th Anniversary Edition.
Supported by essays from modern-day nurses, this still-relevant work offers concise, on-the-ground experience and breakthrough insights into the crucial elements of patient care. Each chapter brings to life Nightingale’s determination to advance the healthcare system of her time, empowering modern nursing professionals, educators, and students of all levels to establish their own crucial findings and innovations. Power up your professional commitment by diving into Nightingale’s bravery and groundbreaking vision:
Foundational findings and instruction on the importance of adequate room ventilation, management of the patient’s environment, what it means to be in charge as a nurse, patient observation, nutrition, appropriate lighting, and cleanliness of beds and rooms
Seasoned guidance and reflections on Nightingale’s writings from experienced nurses, nurse educators, and professional development practitioners, including:
The palliative care perspective
Advanced nursing practice and midwifery
The influence of the nurse on patient emotional state and overall well-being
Professional identity and inspiration
A tribute to Notes on Nursing
Preparing to be a nurse educator
Issues ranging from bedsores to global health care
Discusses illness as the result but not always the cause of disease —elucidates the nursing role in understanding both disease and health, and in educating patients and public on health education basics
Offers Nightingale’s principles of health —her holistic viewpoint and understanding of how sickroom environment, patient mindset, and patient inner mental/emotional struggles affect health and recovery
Emphasizes the importance of assisting in patient well-being on all levels of health and well-being
Perfectly supports the current emphasis on research and evidence-based practice by using data to support arguments for offering compassionate, quality care—illuminates all levels of nursing practice, education, and research
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