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Maternity and Pediatric Nursing

Edition: 4
Publication Date:
October 21, 2020
New edition forthcoming
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Awarded Second Place in the 2021 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Maternal-Child/Prenatal Nursing/ChildbirthFocus your course on essential concepts ...
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  • Awarded Second Place in the 2021 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Maternal-Child/Prenatal Nursing/Childbirth

    Focus your course on essential concepts and establish the basis for the sound nursing care of women and children with Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, Fourth Edition. The latest edition of this trusted text has been designed with your curriculum in mind, helping you maximize your class time and establish the knowledge base and critical thinking skills students need to ensure safe, effective maternity and pediatric care and guide women and children toward higher levels of wellness throughout the life cycle.
    A nursing process approach provides relevant information in a concise, straightforward manner, streamlining coverage of a broad scope of maternity topics and clearly distinguishing the differences between the care of adults and children. Emphasizing commonly encountered clinical challenges in maternity and pediatric care, this practical text builds students’ ability to anticipate, identify and address problems and provide timely, evidence-based interventions to reduce long-term sequelae.
    The updated Fourth Edition readies students for the realities of practice with unfolding case studies and patient stories that hone students’ clinical judgment and challenge them to apply concepts to real-world scenarios they’ll encounter throughout their nursing careers.

  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    Publication Date
    October 21, 2020
  • Susan Ricci
    Theresa Kyle
    Susan Carman
    Chapter 1           Perspectives on Maternal and Child Health Care 
    Chapter 2           Family-Centered Community-Based Care 
    Chapter 3           Anatomy and Physiology of the Reproductive System 
    Chapter 4           Common Reproductive Issues 
    Chapter 5           Sexually Transmitted Infections 
    Chapter 6           Disorders of the Breasts 
    Chapter 7           Benign Disorders of the Female Reproductive Tract 
    Chapter 8           Cancers of the Female Reproductive Tract 
    Chapter 9           Violence and Abuse 
    UNIT 3          PREGNANCY 
    Chapter 10         Fetal Development and Genetics 
    Chapter 11         Maternal Adaptation During Pregnancy 
    Chapter 12         Nursing Management During Pregnancy 
    UNIT 4          LABOR AND BIRTH 
    Chapter 13     Labor and Birth Process 
    Chapter 14     Nursing Management During Labor and Birth 
    Chapter 15     Postpartum Adaptations 
    Chapter 16     Nursing Management During the Postpartum Period 
    UNIT 6          THE NEWBORN 
    Chapter 17     Newborn Transitioning 
    Chapter 18     Nursing Management of the Newborn 
    Chapter 19     Nursing Management of Pregnancy at Risk: Pregnancy-Related Complications 
    Chapter 20     Nursing Management of the Pregnancy at Risk: Selected Health Conditions and Vulnerable Populations 
    Chapter 21     Nursing Management of Labor and Birth at Risk 
    Chapter 22     Nursing Management of the Postpartum Woman at Risk 
    UNIT 8          THE NEWBORN AT RISK 
    Chapter 23     Nursing Care of the Newborn with Special Needs 
    Chapter 24     Nursing Management of the Newborn at Risk: Acquired and Congenital Newborn Conditions 
    Chapter          Growth and Development of the Newborn and Infant 
    Chapter 26     Growth and Development of the Toddler 
    Chapter 27     Growth and Development of the Preschooler 
    Chapter 28     Growth and Development of the School-Age Child 
    Chapter 29     Growth and Development of the Adolescent 
    Chapter 30     Atraumatic Care of Children and Families 
    Chapter 31     Health Supervision 
    Chapter 32     Health Assessment of Children 
    Chapter 33     Caring for Children in Diverse Settings 
    Chapter 34     Caring for the Special Needs Child 
    Chapter 35     Key Pediatric Nursing Interventions 
    Chapter 36     Pain Management in Children 
    Chapter 37     Nursing Care of the Child With an Infectious or Communicable Disorder 
    Chapter 38     Nursing Care of the Child With an Alteration in Intracranial Regulation/Neurologic Disorder 
    Chapter 39     Nursing Care of the Child With an Alteration in Sensory Perception/Disorder of the Eyes or Ears 
    Chapter 40     Nursing Care of the Child With an Alteration in Gas Exchange/Respiratory Disorder 
    Chapter 41     Nursing Care of the Child With an Alteration in Perfusion/Cardiovascular Disorder 
    Chapter 42     Nursing Care of the Child With an Alteration in Bowel Elimination/Gastrointestinal Disorder 
    Chapter 43     Nursing Care of the Child With an Alteration in Urinary Elimination/Genitourinary Disorder 
    Chapter 44     Nursing Care of the Child With an Alteration in Mobility/Neuromuscular or Musculoskeletal Disorder 
    Chapter 45     Nursing Care of the Child With an Alteration in Tissue Integrity/Integumentary Disorder 
    Chapter 46     Nursing Care of the Child With an Alteration in Cellular Regulation/Hematologic or Neoplastic Disorder 
    Chapter 47     Nursing Care of the Child With an Alteration in Immunity or Immunologic Disorder 
    Chapter 48     Nursing Care of the Child With an Alteration in Metabolism/Endocrine Disorder 
    Chapter 49     Nursing Care of the Child With an Alteration in Genetics 
    Chapter 50     Nursing Care of the Child With an Alteration in Behavior, Cognition, or Development 
    Chapter 51     Nursing Care During a Pediatric Emergency 
    Appendix A     Standard Laboratory Values 
    Appendix B     Clinical Paths 
    Appendix C     Cervical Dilation Chart 
    Appendix D     Weight Conversion Charts 
    Appendix E     Breast-Feeding and Medication Use 
    Appendix F     Blood Pressure Charts for Children and Adolescents 
    Appendix G     Growth Charts 
    Appendix H     MyPlate 
    Appendix I      Down Syndrome Healthcare Guidelines 
    • UPDATED! Cultural considerations throughout the text reflect nurses’ evolving role in global healthcare and help students meet clients’ increasingly diverse needs.  
    • UPDATED! Evidence-based research findings familiarize students with the most current practices and interventions.
    • NEW! Healthy People 2030 boxes highlight relevant implications of this U.S. government healthcare initiative on the care of women, mothers, and newborns.
    • Case Studies present concepts in a real-world clinical context to strengthen students’ caregiving capabilities, and accompanying questions boost critical thinking and clinical evaluation skills. 
    • Nursing Procedures guide students step by step through commonly performed clinical tasks. 
    • Words of Wisdom give students practical, timely insight from experienced professionals on the nursing care of women and newborns. 
    • Teaching Guidelines instill confidence to educate clients about various issues in women’s healthcare.
    • Drug Guides provide fast access to actions, indications, and significant nursing implications for commonly used medications.
    • Common Laboratory and Diagnostic Test tables improve students’ diagnostic knowledge for a broad range of disorders.
    • Nursing Care Plans demonstrate each step of the nursing process and outline a guide for delivering care. 
    • Comparison Charts clarify easily confused concepts. 
    • Concepts in Action animations, available on thePoint, bring physiologic and pathophysiologic concepts to life to reinforce students’ understanding.
    • Consider This! features engage students in commonly encountered real-life scenarios to enhance their critical thinking and clinical reasoning. 
    • Take Note! features alert students to potentially critical implications in Chapter content, such as life-threatening scenarios.
    • Learning Objectives help students prioritize information as they learn.
    • Key Terms clarify important terminology that may be new to students.  
    • Key Concepts reinforce essential points from each Chapter at a glance.
    • Tables, boxes, and illustrations summarize and reinforce for fast reference.
    • References and websites point students to resources for deeper review and remediation. 
    • Chapter worksheets test students’ understanding of Chapter content and highlight areas for further review.
  • Doody's 4 Star! Review
    "Chapters start with thought-provoking Words of Wisdom (WOW) providing the material that readily adapts to class discussions.  Readers' attention is called to evidence-based practice as not only a key feature of the textbook but as a key feature of nursing practice. In addition to the expected case studies, there are unfolding patient stories, clinical reasoning alerts, and Healthy People 2030 is outlined in box format. The most unique feature of this textbook, which sets it apart from most others covering the same subject matter, is its focus on framing nursing care within a social and individual-specific context. Readers are presented with tools to promote patient education and offer guidance that is supportive of patient rights and autonomy. This textbook provides an innovative, pertinent, and clinically sound approach to educate student nurses on women's health care, maternity, and pediatric care." - Rebeca Barroso, DNP, MSN for Doody's Book Review Service
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Maternity and Pediatric Nursing

Maternity and Pediatric Nursing

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975139766
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