In healthcare practice, providers are tasked with the challenge of bringing knowledge into practice to improve patient outcomes. This book is designed to guide healthcare providers on the step-by-step journey through knowledge translation and how to bring evidence to healthcare practice.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
January 31, 2019
Alison Kitson
Zoe Jordan BA, MA
Susan Salmond
Rick Wiechula
Setting the Scene 1. What We Know About Knowledge Translation and Getting Evidence Into Clinical Practice 2. Overview of the KT Toolkit 3. The KT Toolkit Phase 1: Describe (Preparation, Partnership, and Assesing Potential) 4. The KT Toolkit Phase 2: Assess and Measure (Getting Ready/Capacity Building Evidence and Assessment) 5. KT Toolkit Phase 3: Action and Implementation 6. KT Toolkit Phase 4: Review, Share, Disseminate, and Spread
Knowledge Translation and Management in Healthcare
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975124144
USD $19.99 Quantity:
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