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Synthesizing Descriptive Evidence

Publication Date:
January 31, 2019
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Descriptive evidence comes in many forms, including case reports, case-series reports, and cross sectional and surveillance studies. These are often ...
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  • Descriptive evidence comes in many forms, including case reports, case-series reports, and cross sectional and surveillance studies. These are often the foundation of other forms of evidence and are used to help build the knowledge base in policy and practice - but it is critical that descriptive evidence is truly valid. This book demonstrates how to critically assess and appraise descriptive evidence for validity and applicability.
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    January 31, 2019
  • Craig Lockwood
    Sarahlouise White
    Leah Mwai
  • 1. Framing the Concept of Evidence for Health Sciences
    Section I: The Synthesis of Descriptive Evidence
    2. The Nature of Descriptive Evidence
    Section II: Developing a Protocol for an Effects Review of Descriptive Evidence
    3. The Importance of an A-Priori Systematic Review Protocol
    4. Developing a Protocol
    Section III: Conducting a Systematic Review of Descriptive Evidence
    5. Selecting Studies
    6. Quality Indicators for Descriptive Studies and Threats to Validity
    7. Data Extraction
    8. Data Synthesis
    9. Developing a Systematic Review Report
    Section IV: Conclusions
    10. Conclusions
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Synthesizing Descriptive Evidence

Synthesizing Descriptive Evidence

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975124083
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