My purpose in writing this book is to provide you with evidence that'll change your thinking about management styles and practices, with a central theme of shifting from parent to partner. From a personal perspective to changes at the group and organizational levels, my message is simple: We can start doing what works at work and create a future that's different from the past. In the chapters that follow, I describe what it looks like, sounds like, and feels like to shift from parent to partner. I trust that the evidence offered will change your thinking, and, ultimately, change your workplace. -- Sharon Cox
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
March 7, 2019
Sharon Cox
Introduction 1. The Iceberg Metaphor: The Visual Trumps the Verbal 2. Shifting From Parent to Partner: Icebergs and Assumptions: The Process Begins 3. Chipping Away at the Iceberg: Tired of Old Patterns 4. That Was Then and This Is Now: Developing Guiding Principles 5. It's All About Sustainability: Making Personal Changes 6. You Either Get It or You Don't: What's Really Going On? 7. Ensuring the Audio Matches the Video: Changing Policies and Procedures 8. Lessons Learned: Up Close and Personal
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