Accurate diagnosis of fetal arrhythmias is a challenging and essential skill for obstetric practitioners. Diagnosis and Management of Fetal Arrhythmias ...
Accurate diagnosis of fetal arrhythmias is a challenging and essential skill for obstetric practitioners. Diagnosis and Management of Fetal Arrhythmias is the first and only text devoted exclusively to these difficult-to-diagnose abnormalities, helping you distinguish similar rhythms and provide appropriate patient care. Abundant illustrations and dozens of videos online provide clear visual guidance for ultrasound diagnosis of fetal cardiac rhythms.
Offers simple, straightforward methods to diagnose and triage fetal arrhythmias, written with the obstetric practitioner in mind.
Highlights the well-organized text with more than 400 full-color images and line drawings.
Features an extensive library of more than 50 video case examples included with eBook.
Provides expert, focused coverage of a key area for obstetricians and residents, maternal-fetal medicine fellows and attendings, obstetric sonographers, and pediatric cardiologists.
Includes access to an additional image-based chapter of arrhythmia case studies in the eBook.
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