Stressed by the ins and outs of cardiovascular care? Face the challenges confidently, with the newly updated Cardiovascular Caremade Incredibly Easy!®, 4th Edition.
Using helpful learning aids that boost your understanding and retention, this colorfully illustrated, enjoyable text is packed with easy-to-remember definitions and clear, concise descriptions of crucial cardiovascular nursing concepts and procedures, from assessment to diagnostic tests to emergencies. The ideal reference for students and new nurses, it is also an invaluable refresher for all experienced nurses.
Be expertly guided into a solid foundation in cardiovascular care, with:
NEW and updated content in an easy-to-read, bulleted format
Practice Makes Perfect” end-of-book practice exam – newly revised to mimic the NCLEX® and other certification exams, to get you exam-ready
Dozens of colorful diagrams and illustrations that outline core terms and concepts, with easy-to-retain definitions for:
Anatomy and physiology – heart structure, conduction system, blood flow and more
Prevention and risk reduction – risk assessment, risk factors, modifiable risk factors, dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity and more
Diagnostic tests and procedures – cardiac enzymes and proteins, lipid studies, coagulation tests, electrocardiography, hemodynamic monitoring, imaging and more
Inflammatory and valvular disorders
Degenerative disorders
Vascular disorders
Emergencies and complications
Offers the broad foundational knowledge needed in cardiovascular care, including:
Cardiovascular anatomy and physiology
Hemodynamic monitoring
Care of patients with IABP counterpulsations, ICDs, pacemakers and VADs
Assessment and diagnostic testing
Electrocardiogram performance and interpretation
Synchronized cardioversion
Pre- and post-operative care for patients with MIDCAB, CABG and balloon angioplasty
Special chapter features include:
Advice from the experts – tips and tricks from experienced cardiovascular care nurses
Peak technique – down-to-earth explanations on the best ways to perform cardiovascular procedures
Now I get it! – simplified, illustrated explanations of difficult concepts related to the cardiovascular system
No place like home – clear direction on adapting care to a home environment
Memory joggers – acronyms and other memory tricks that help you grasp and remember difficult concepts
Quick quiz – multiple-choice, end-of-chapter questions that help you retain learning, followed by answers and rationales
“Nurse Joy and Jake” – expert insights that explain key concepts and provide reassurance and important care reminders
About the Clinical Editor
Mary Ann Siciliano McLaughlin, EdD, MSN, RN, is Assistant Professor and Program Director of the Accelerated BSN Program at Gwynedd Mercy University, Gwynedd, Pennsylvania.
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