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Pocket Psychiatry

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
May 16, 2019
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Pocket Psychiatry, a new addition to the Pocket Notebook series, is written by residents for residents. A resource for essential ...
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  • Pocket Psychiatry, a new addition to the Pocket Notebook series, is written by residents for residents. A resource for essential information, in a high-yield, easy-to-use format, designed to help students, trainees, and others navigate the initial psychiatric evaluation and management of the most commonly encountered psychiatric conditions. With an emphasis on evidence-based information, Pocket Psychiatry, provides a rare concise and accessible resource, for must-know information on hospital- and clinic-based psychiatric care — from history and physical exam to differential diagnosis testing to therapeutics  — in the well known loose leaf pocket size format. 

    • Bulleted lists, tables, diagrams, and algorithms make essential facts easy to find and retain.
    • Progress logically from symptoms to differential diagnosis, workup and diagnosis, assessment of risks and benefits of available treatments, to treatment and prognosis.
    • Review of the highest impact trials and literature guiding psychiatric care.
    • Covers all major psychiatric diagnosis, plus management of psychiatric emergencies, the intersection of the legal system and psychiatry, and addition of quick reference for the most commonly used medications in psychiatric management. 
    • Written by psychiatry and medicine residents from the Harvard University, and edited by senior faculty.

    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Spiralbound Book
    Trim Size
    4 1/4 x 7 1/8
    Pocket Notebook Series
    Publication Date
    May 16, 2019
  • John B. Taylor
    Judith Puckett
    Scott R. Beach
  • Contents eface v
    eword vii
    Mark Fusunyan, Flannery Merideth, Joshua Salvi, Tim Shea, Marc Weinberg
    Mental status exam 1-1
    Neuropsychiatric testing 1-6
    Commonly used rating scales 1-9
    Neuroimaging 1-10
    EEG 1-12
    wri G. Aragam, Baktash Babadi, Jessica E. Becker, Noor Beckwith, Ren Belcher, Samuel Boas,
    Allison Brandt, Kristina Cieslak, Julia Cromwell, Daniel J. Daunis Jr., Lauren Deaver, Sam Dotson,
    Oscar Gerdner, Fiona Gispen, Elisabeth Hill, Katie Hsih, Geoffrey Liu, Elizabeth N. Madva,
    Andy Melaragno, Flannery Merideth, Meghan Musselman, Lucy Ogbu-Nwobodo, Maeve O’Neill,
    Nate Praschan, Cordelia Ross, Rachel A. Ross, Leah Shesler, Andrew Skoirchet, Maya Son,
    Renee Sorrentino, Jonathan Zebrowski
    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder 2-1
    Adjustment disorders 2-3
    Anxiety disorders 2-6
    Autism spectrum disorder 2-14
    Autoimmune syndromes 2-18
    Autoimmune encephalitis 2-24
    Bipolar disorder 2-26
    Catatonia and related syndromes 2-32
    Chronic pain 2-38
    Delirium 2-42
    Depressive disorders 2-46
    Dissociative disorders 2-48
    Eating disorders 2-52
    Factitious disorder 2-55
    Functional and somatoform disorders 2-59
    Impulse control disorders 2-73
    Intellectual disability 2-75
    Major neurocognitive disorders 2-77
    Malingering 2-88
    Obsessive–compulsive disorder 2-90
    ersonality disorders 2-92
    osttraumatic stress disorder 2-99
    Psychotic disorders 2-103
    Seizures 2-107
    Sexual dysfunction 2-109
    Sleep disorders 2-116Alcohol use disorder 3-1
    Cocaine use 3-4
    Marijuana use 3-5
    Methamphetamine/stimulant use 3-8
    Opioid use disorder 3-9
    obacco use 3-13
    Other substances 3-15
    kwith, Nicole M. Benson, Joan A. Camprodon, Carlos Fernandez-Robles,
    Henry, Joshua Salvi, Tim Shea
    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) 4-1
    oconvulsive therapy (ECT) 4-2
    ranscranial magnetic stimulation 4-5
    agam, Stephanie Davidson, Oscar Gerdner, Reuben A. Hendler, Katie Hsih,
    Lianna Karp, Alok Kanojia, Ran Li, Geoffrey Liu, Jonathan Zebrowski
    Brief dynamic/insight-oriented therapies 5-1
    e behavioral therapy (CBT) 5-2
    e processing therapy 5-5
    Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) 5-6
    Good psychiatric management (GPM) 5-8
    Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) 5-9
    Mentalization-based treatment (MBT) 5-11
    Mindfulness-based therapies 5-12
    Motivational interviewing (MI) 5-14
    Psychodynamic psychotherapy (PDP) 5-17
    tive therapy 5-20
    oup therapy 5-22
    Couples therapy 5-24
    agam, Noor Beckwith, Rahel Bosson, Kristina Cieslak, Cristina Cusin, Sam Dotson,
    Faller, Katie Hsih, Katherine Kilgore, James Luccarelli, Andy Melaragno,
    Mladen Nisavic, Nate Praschan, Lisa Rosenfeld, Maya Son, John W. Winkelman
    Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) 6-1
    ricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) 6-3
    otonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) 6-6
    e serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) 6-7
    Atypical antidepressants 6-11
    ytics 6-15
    Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) 6-18
    6-28Contents Buprenorphine 6-43
    Disulfiram 6-47
    Naltrexone 6-48
    obacco cessation 6-50
    Nutraceuticals 6-52
    Common side effects 6-54
    Landmark studies in psychopharmacology 6-60
    Suzanne Bird, Mark Fusunyan, Katie Hsih, Katherine A. Koh, Meghan Musselman,
    Nate Praschan, Curtis Wittmann
    Medical clearance 7-1
    Suicide and risk assessment 7-3
    Violence risk assessment 7-5
    Agitation 7-7
    xidromes 7-13
    Ren Belcher, Douglas Brennan, Raphaela Gold, Meghan Musselman, Marc Weinberg
    oluntary treatment 8-1
    arasoff reporting 8-2
    Legal standards of competency and sanity 8-4
    Mandated reporting 8-6
    pacity 8-7
    Noor Beckwith, Ren Belcher, Philip Cawkwell, Jacci Clauss, Julia Cromwell, Stephanie Davidson,
    Sam Dotson, Michal McDowell, Cordelia Ross, Emily Sorg, Kathryn Zagrabbe
    egnancy 9-1
    Psychiatric illness in the postpartum period 9-6
    eastfeeding and psychotropic medication 9-9
    eating children with psychiatric illness 9-11
    Geriatric psychiatry 9-24
    Gender and sexual minority populations 9-27
    Homeless patients 9-29
    ransplant patients 9-30
    Oncology patients 9-34
    HIV psychiatry 9-40
    INDEX I-1
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Pocket Psychiatry

Pocket Psychiatry

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