Substantially revised since the previous edition, this Internship Survival Guide offers first-year residents practical, real-world medical and professional guidance from ...
Substantially revised since the previous edition, this Internship Survival Guide offers first-year residents practical, real-world medical and professional guidance from senior residents and faculty advisors at the Washington University School of Medicine. Advice is presented in a concise, bulleted format, lending itself to quick comprehension of the material. You’ll learn the nuts and bolts of logistical issues and patient and colleague communication, as well as the basics of navigating your clinical rotations.
To-the-point, updated explanations of the 10 most common diagnoses and patient complaints you’ll encounter; includes key history, what not to miss, and when to call for help.
Features a detachable pocket card with step-by-step instructions and full-color illustrations of basic procedures you need to master to pass residency requirements.
Now with checklists—also on the pocket card—that serve as handy action items for interns.
Includes helpful do’s and don’ts on often overlooked workplace issues such as patient admission and discharges and communication with others on the medical team.
Medical topics cover patient safety, risk mitigation, fluid management, operation of common devices like EKGs, as well as overviews of key clinical specialties.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
The Washington Manual Survival Guide Series
Publication Date
June 5, 2018
Thomas M De Fer M.D., FACP
Washington University School of Medicine Professor of Medicine Director, Internal Medicine Clerkship and the ACES Program Division of Medical Education, Department of Medicine
To-the-point, updated explanations of the 10 most common diagnoses and patient complaints you’ll encounter; includes key history, what not to miss, and when to call for help.
Features a detachable pocket card with step-by-step instructions and full-color illustrations of basic procedures you need to master to pass residency requirements.
Now with checklists—also on the pocket card—that serve as handy action items for interns.
Includes helpful do’s and don’ts on often overlooked workplace issues such as patient admission and discharges and communication with others on the medical team.
Medical topics cover patient safety, risk mitigation, fluid management, operation of common devices like EKGs, as well as overviews of key clinical specialties.
Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience
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Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
USD $56.99
USD $45.59
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