This second comprehensive edition of Visual Development, Diagnosis, and Treatment of the Pediatric Patient combines basic concepts of vision development ...
This second comprehensive edition of Visual Development, Diagnosis, and Treatment of the Pediatric Patient combines basic concepts of vision development with clinical diagnosis and treatment of vision disorders in infants, toddlers, children, and adolescents. Heavily updated, with new sections on timely issues and topics, the book is ideal for anyone who needs to know the practical aspects of evaluation and care of pediatric patients.
Contains brand-new chapters on special needs patients, assessment and anomalies of neurological function, electrodiagnostics, and sports & environmental vision.
Now with four-color procedural images and line drawings.
Covers both normal visual development as well as diagnosis, treatment, and management of common pediatric disorders.
Contributions from 25 highly experienced clinicians in active practice.
Not just for practicing or future optometrists; content on ocular tracking and fixing and eye/hand coordination is perfect for occupational, physical, and speech therapists.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
November 21, 2019
Robert H. Duckman OD
State University of New York, State College of Optometry, New York, NY
Marc B. Taub OD
Pam Schnell
Contributors v Contributors to the Previous Edition viii Preface ix Acknowledgments xi Introduction xvii PART 1 The Development of Vision 1 Development of the Visual System ........................................................ 1 t . r owan Candy 2 Visual Acuity in the Young Child .........................................................27 r ebecca marinoff, marilyn Vricella, and r obert H. duckman 3 Contrast Sensitivity Function ............................................................41 karl Citek 4 Refractive Error .........................................................................59 david E. Fitzg erald and Pamela H. Schnell 5 Eye Movements .........................................................................79 Jordan r. Pola and Pamela H. Schnell 6 Accommodation .......................................................................100 mark r osenfield 7 Binocular Vision ........................................................................114 r obert H. duckman, Jojo w. du, and Patricia m. Cisarik 8 Color Vision ............................................................................136 israel Abramov, James gordon, and James kundart Contents9 Development of a Normal Child .........................................................159 Caitlin C. miller, Amar Sayani, r obert H. duckman, and david A. m aze 1 0 Visual Concerns in the Child With Special Needs .........................................173 Alicia groce, d eborah Amster, and mary bartuccio Valentino PART 2 Evaluation of Visual Function 1 1 The Pediatric Case History ..............................................................199 Julie Shalhoub and glen t . Steele 1 2 Infant, Toddler, and Children’s Visual Acuity—Practical Aspects ..........................207 Christina Esposito, kara t ison, and r obert H. duckman 1 3 Abnormalities of the Anterior Segment ..................................................219 Stefania m. Paniccia l ombardi 1 4 Abnormalities of the Posterior Segment .................................................243 marie i. bodack and Pamela H. Schnell 1 5 Assessment and Anomalies of Neurologic Function ......................................264 kelly A. malloy and marie i. bodack 1 6 Quantification of Refractive Error .......................................................300 daniella rutner and Amelia g. bartolone 1 7 Pediatric and Adolescent Contact Lens Correction .......................................317 Jeffrey J. walline and Eunice myung l ee 1 8 Evaluation of Ocular Motor Function ....................................................336 r ichard l ondon 1 9 Assessing Stereopsis and Fusion ........................................................354 mH. Esther Han, James kundart, and r obert H. duckman 20 Evaluation of Accommodation ..........................................................379 ida Chung-l ock and Silvia Han 21 Pediatric Color Vision Testing ...........................................................397 Jay m. Cohen, Janette d. dumas, and melissa A. Zarn urankar 22 Evaluation Strategies Using Electrodiagnostics ..........................................414 Paul A. Harris PART 3 Treatment Strategies 23 Prescribing Lenses for the Pediatric Patient ..............................................441 marc b. t aub 24 Strabismus: Development, Diagnostics, and Rehabilitation ...............................449 Samantha Slotnick and Yin C. tea 25 Amblyopia: Diagnosis and Treatment ...................................................482 don w. l yon and kristi A. Jensen 26 Vision Therapy for Young Children ......................................................516 Jennifer S. Simonson 27 Sports Vision ...........................................................................556 geoffrey A. Heddle 28 An Approach to the Care and (Re)Habilitation of the Pediatric Patient With Visual and Other Impairments ..............................................573 barry S. kran, n icole C. r oss, and darick wright Index 599
Visual Development, Diagnosis, and Treatment of the Pediatric Patient
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975111465
USD $119.99 Quantity:
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