Now entirely in four-color for the first time, Handbook of Nephrology, Second Edition is a concise introduction to Nephrology and features vividly-described patient cases that illuminate core concepts and topics, such as patient history, physical assessment, diagnosis, lab findings and more. This edition has been expanded with numerous additional cases, which now reflect the day-to-day activities of a practicing nephrologist.
Expanded for the second edition with numerous additional case studies, now interspersed appropriately throughout topical content.
Cases re-configured to mimic the teaching process and lead the reader through to diagnosis.
Content is written in a straightforward bulleted format for easy reading.
Features teaching strategies that the authors use in their rounds, lectures, morning reports and everyday practice.
Ideal for residents, fellows, faculty and students, as well as practicing nephrologists.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
May 20, 2019
David J. Leehey MD
Professor of Medicine Loyola University of Chicago Medical Center Maywood, Il Associate Chief of Staff for Clinical Affairs Veterans Administration Hospital Hines, Il
Irfan Moinuddin MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Southern Illinois University, Springfield, Illinois
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