Essential reading for beginning and experienced clinicians alike, Sapira's Art & Science of Bedside Diagnosis, Fifth Edition, discusses the patient ...
Essential reading for beginning and experienced clinicians alike, Sapira's Art & Science of Bedside Diagnosis, Fifth Edition, discusses the patient interview and the physical examination in an engaging, storytelling style. Tried and true methods are described in step-by-step detail, and include clinical pearls, vignettes, practical clinical experiences, personal history, explanations of the physiologic significance of findings, and extensive discussions of evidence-based medicine. It’s a useful guide for learning and reinforcing effective bedside diagnosis techniques at all levels and stages of clinical practice. Key Features
Serves as an essential road map to the individual, interdependent, and artful side of the practice of medicine using time-honored, hands-on methods.
Helps you gain the most reliable information from your patients, leading to accurate differential diagnoses and efficient diagnostic strategies.
Contains new material on endocrinology; the history and philosophy of medicine; orthopaedics, neurologic diagnoses and traumatic brain injury, dermatology; Guarino’s auscultatory percussion of the skull; hearing, the vestibular system, and intracranial hypertension; ophthalmoscopy; podiatry; and more.
Details effective approaches to various types of patients, including those who are forgetful or confused, vague, using illegal substances, non-English speaking, hard of hearing, hostile, evasive, and many other frequently encountered situations.
Includes “Points to Remember,” interesting historical tidbits, relevant references, and more than 300 questions with answers and discussion.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
March 29, 2018
Jane Orient MD
Serves as an essential road map to the individual, interdependent, and artful side of the practice of medicine using time-honored, hands-on methods.
Helps you gain the most reliable information from your patients, leading to accurate differential diagnoses and efficient diagnostic strategies.
Contains new material on endocrinology; the history and philosophy of medicine; orthopaedics, neurologic diagnoses and traumatic brain injury, dermatology; Guarino’s auscultatory percussion of the skull; hearing, the vestibular system, and intracranial hypertension; ophthalmoscopy; podiatry; and more.
Details effective approaches to various types of patients, including those who are forgetful or confused, vague, using illegal substances, non-English speaking, hard of hearing, hostile, evasive, and many other frequently encountered situations.
Includes “Points to Remember,” interesting historical tidbits, relevant references, and more than 300 questions with answers and discussion.
Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience:
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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