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Introduction to Sectional Anatomy

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
November 1, 2012
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Looking for the resource to help your students fully understand and retain critical knowledge of sectional anatomy? Allow us to ...
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  • Looking for the resource to help your students fully understand and retain critical knowledge of sectional anatomy? Allow us to introduce this new edition of Introduction to Sectional Anatomy .

    Focusing on presenting this highly visual an dynamic topic in a way that makes it engaging and accessible to students, Introduction to Sectional Anatomy begins with key terminology and concepts and then moves through the body from head to toe. This new edition has been completely updated to include the most current imaging modalities, including ultrasound, MR, and PET/CT, so your students are fully equipped for what they will encounter in practice.

    Here’s what you can expect to find inside Introduction to Sectional Anatomy, Third Edition…
    • A design that makes it easy for students to compare images from several patients
    Clinical cases demonstrating how knowledge of sectional anatomy is applied in practice
    Chapter objectives that help students study more efficiently
    Clinical application questions at the end of each chapter that review students’ understanding of essential concepts
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    November 1, 2012
  • Michael Madden PhD, RT (R), (CT), (MR)
    Medical Diagnostic Imaging Programs
    Fort Hays State University
    Hays, Kansas
  • Chapter 1 Introduction
    Chapter 2 Head
    Chapter 3 Spine
    Chapter 4 Neck
    Chapter 5 Chest
    Chapter 6 Abdomen
    Chapter 7 Male and Female Pelvis
    Chapter 8 Joints
  • • A design that makes it easy for students to compare images from several patients
    Clinical cases demonstrating how knowledge of sectional anatomy is applied in practice
    Chapter objectives that help students study more efficiently
    Clinical application questions at the end of each chapter that review students’ understanding of essential concepts
  • A brief introductory chapter helps students understand the terminology and patient images described in subsequent chapters. Each chapter is focused on a region of the body and begins with an anatomical overview to give readers a clear understanding of each region essential to understanding the anatomy shown later sectional images. To demonstrate the clinical application of this anatomy, the overview is followed by a series of patient CT, ultrasound, and MR images shown in multiple planes. After the patient images, clinical cases of selected CT, MR, ultrasound, and PET/CT including 3D images have been greatly expanded to motivate students by giving examples of how their knowledge of sectional anatomy can be applied to patient exams."
    "This third edition is still one of the best sectional anatomy books."
    Doody's Reviews
    Cris A. Zimmermann, RT(R)(Froedtert Hospital)
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Introduction to Sectional Anatomy

Introduction to Sectional Anatomy

ISBN/ISSN: 9781609139612
USD $124.99 Quantity:
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