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Understanding Voice Problems

A Physiological Perspective for Diagnosis and Treatment
Edition: 4
Publication Date:
February 9, 2011
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Understanding Voice Problems: A Physiological Perspective for Diagnosis and Treatment emphasizes the physiological perspective of voice disorders—and the behavioral and ...
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  • Understanding Voice Problems: A Physiological Perspective for Diagnosis and Treatment emphasizes the physiological perspective of voice disorders—and the behavioral and emotional factors that can influence these changes. Readers will find a strong foundation in normal phonatory physiology and acoustics as well as pathophysiology arising from voice misuse, abuse, or neurological involvement. Coverage includes in-depth explorations of patient interviewing, history-taking, examination, and testing and discussions of pediatric and geriatric voice considerations. The book contains numerous illustrations, including full-color plates of vocal fold pathologies. A companion website features nearly 30 video clips that demonstrate healthy, normally functioning larynges at work, plus larynges with various pathological problems.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    February 9, 2011
  • Raymond H. Colton PhD

    Professor Emeritus, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY; Professor Emeritus, Department of Otolaryngology and Communication Sciences, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY

    Janina K. Casper PhD

    Professor Emeritus, Department of Otolaryngology and Communication Sciences, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY

    Rebecca Leonard PhD

    Professor, Department of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA

  • Color plates precede page i
    1. Introduction and Overview
    2. Differential Diagnosis of Voice Problems
    3. Morphology of Vocal Fold Mucosa: Histology to Genomics
    4. Phonotrauma: Its Effects on Phonatory Physiology
    5. Voice Problems Associated With Nervous System Involvement
    6. Voice Problems Associated With Organic Disease and Trauma
    7. Voice Problems Associated With the Pediatric and the Geriatric Voice
    8. The Voice History, Examination, and Testing
    9. Surgical and Medical Management of Voice Disorders
    10. Vocal Rehabilitation
    11. Anatomy of the Vocal Fold Mechanism
    12. Phonatory Physiology
    13. Neuroanatomy of the Vocal Mechanism
    14. Some Normative Data on the Voice
    Appendix: Forms Used in Voice Evaluation: Clinic and Laboratory
    Figure and Table Credits
  • -- Insightful case studies included in the diagnostic chapters help your students apply what they have learned and build critical thinking skills
    -- 23 videos (7 new) demonstrating healthy, normally functioning larynges at work, plus larynges with various pathological problems
    -- New critical thinking chapter questions facilitate discussion and application of key concepts
    -- New key terms identified at the beginning of each chapter and highlighted and defined within the chapter
    -- Numerous illustrations , including full-color plates of vocal fold pathologies
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Understanding Voice Problems

Understanding Voice Problems

ISBN/ISSN: 9781609138745
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