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Perspectives on Nursing Theory

Edition: 6
Publication Date:
October 6, 2011
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Perspectives on Nursing Theory is a comprehensive anthology of important articles addressing diverse theoretical and philosophical perspectives on the nature ...
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  • Perspectives on Nursing Theory is a comprehensive anthology of important articles addressing diverse theoretical and philosophical perspectives on the nature of theory and knowledge development in nursing. This informative and contemporary resource features some of the most widely read and cited articles that facilitates thought and discussion among nurses, researchers, students, and teachers.
    • Features 52 of the most widely read and frequently cited articles reflecting seminal, modern, and futuristic perspectives on nursing theory
    • Includes new articles reflecting current, cutting-edge views of nursing theory and trends
    • Includes biographical information about each author that provides insight into the author's perspective
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    October 6, 2011
  • Pamela G. Reed RN, PhD, FAAN
    Professor, University of Arizona, College of Nursing, Tucson, AZ
    Nelma B. Crawford Shearer RN, PhD
    Associate Professor and Co-Director, Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence, College of Nursing & Health Innovation, Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ
  • Contents'

    UNIT 1'
    Structures of Nursing Knowledge Development'

    Nursing Theory and Practice: Connecting the Dots
    Jo-Ann Marrs
    Lois W. Lowry

    Yes, Virginia, Nursing Does Have Laws
    Pamela B. Webber

    Philosophy, Science, Theory: Interrelationships and Implications for Nursing Research
    Mary C. Silva

    On Nursing Theories and Evidence
    Jacqueline Fawcett
    Jean Watson
    Betty Neuman
    Patricia H. Walker
    Joyce J. Fitzpatrick

    Integration of Nursing Theory and Nursing Ethics
    Michael Yeo

    A Treatise on Nursing Knowledge Development for the 21st Century: Beyond Postmodernism
    Pamela G. Reed
    UNIT 2'
    The Inseparability of Theory and Practice'

    Toward Compassionate Action: Pragmatism and the Inseparability of Theory/Practice
    Gweneth Hartrick Doane
    Colleen Varcoe

    The Practitioner as Theorist
    Rosemary Ellis

    “Lest We Forget”: An Issue Concerning the Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP)
    Ann L. Whall, PhD, RN, FAAN

    CHAPTER 10
    The Link Between Nursing Discourses and Nurses’ Silence: Implications for a Knowledge-Based Discourse for Nursing Practice
    Connie J. Canam

    CHAPTER 11
    Transcending the Limits of Method: Cultivating Creativity in Nursing
    Gweneth A. Hartrick

    UNIT 3'
    Theory and Knowledge Translation'

    CHAPTER 12
    Knowledge Translation in Everyday Nursing: From Evidence-Based to Inquiry-Based Practice
    Gweneth Hartrick Doane
    Colleen Varcoe

    CHAPTER 13
    Nursing Theory as a Guide to Practice
    William K. Cody

    CHAPTER 14
    The Situation-Specific Theory of Pain Experience for Asian American Cancer Patients
    Eun-Ok Im

    CHAPTER 15
    Theory and Knowledge Translation: Setting Some Coordinates
    Jo Rycroft-Malone

    CHAPTER 16
    Unitary Appreciative Inquiry: Evolution and Refinement
    W. Richard Cowling III
    Elizabeth Repede

    UNIT 4'
    Philosophies of Nursing Science in Research'

    CHAPTER 17
    Complex Critical Realism: Tenets and Application in Nursing Research
    Alexander M. Clark
    Sue L. Lissel
    Caroline Davis

    CHAPTER 18
    Bridging the Gulf Between Science and Action: The “New Fuzzies” of Neopragmatism
    Catherine A. Warms
    Carole A. Schroeder

    CHAPTER 19
    An Analysis of Changing Trends in Philosophies of Science on Nursing Theory Development and Testing
    Mary C. Silva
    Daniel Rothbart

    CHAPTER 20
    The Advocate-Analyst Dialectic in Critical and Postcolonial Feminist Research: Reconciling Tensions Around Scientific Integrity
    Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham
    Joan M. Anderson

    CHAPTER 21
    Validity and Validation in the Making in the Context of Qualitative Research
    Mirka Koro-Ljungberg

    CHAPTER 22
    The Cocreating Environment: A Nexus Between Classical Chinese and Current Nursing Philosophies
    Joan E. Dodgson

    CHAPTER 23
    Scientific Inquiry in Nursing: A Model for a New Age
    Holly A. DeGroot

    UNIT 5'
    Epistemology and Evidence in Practice'

    CHAPTER 24
    Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing
    Barbara A. Carper

    CHAPTER 25
    Patterns of Knowing: Review, Critique, and Update
    Jill White

    CHAPTER 26
    Mediating the Meaning of Evidence Through Epistemological Diversity
    Denise Tarlier

    CHAPTER 27
    Nursing Epistemology: Traditions, Insights, Questions
    Phyllis R. Schultz
    Afaf I. Meleis

    CHAPTER 28
    Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing: The Challenge of Evidence-Based Practice
    Sam Porter

    CHAPTER 29
    Knowledge Development and Evidence-Based Practice: Insights and Opportunities From a Postcolonial Feminist Perspective for Transformative Nursing Practice
    Sheryl Reimer Kirkham
    Jennifer L. Baumbusch
    Annette S. H. Schultz
    Joan M. Anderson

    CHAPTER 30
    The Use of Postcolonialism in the Nursing Domain: Colonial Patronage, Conversion, and Resistance
    Dave Holmes
    Bernard Roy
    Amélie Perron

    UNIT 6'
    Tools for Theory Development'

    CHAPTER 31
    Concept Analysis: Examining the State of the Science
    Judith E. Hupcey
    Janice Penrod

    CHAPTER 32
    Rethinking Concept Analysis
    Mark Risjord

    CHAPTER 33
    Levels of Theoretical Thinking in Nursing
    Patricia A. Higgins
    Shirley M. Moore

    CHAPTER 34
    Development of Situation-Specific Theories: An Integrative Approach
    Eun-Ok Im

    CHAPTER 35
    Middle Range Theory: Spinning Research and Practice to Create Knowledge for the New Millennium
    Patricia Liehr
    Mary Jane Smith

    UNIT 7'
    Characteristics and Criteria of Nursing Theories'

    CHAPTER 36
    Theories: Components, Development, Evaluation
    Margaret E. Hardy

    CHAPTER 37
    From Practice to Midrange Theory and Back Again: Beck’s Theory of Postpartum Depression
    Gerri C. Lasiuk
    Linda M. Ferguson

    CHAPTER 38
    Theoretical Substruction Illustrated by the Theory of Learned Resourcefulness
    Abir K. Bekhet
    Jaclene A. Zauszniewski

    CHAPTER 39
    A Theory of Theories: A Position Paper
    James Dickoff
    Patricia James

    CHAPTER 40
    Perspectives on Nursing Theory
    Margaret E. Hardy

    CHAPTER 41
    Criteria for Evaluation of Theory
    Jacqueline Fawcett

    CHAPTER 42
    Parse’s Criteria for Evaluation of Theory With a Comparison of Fawcett’s and Parse’s Approaches
    Rosemarie Rizzo Parse

    UNIT 8'
    Philosophies of Nursing Practice'

    CHAPTER 43
    The Focus of the Discipline Revisited
    Margaret A. Newman
    Marlaine C. Smith
    Margaret Dexheimer Pharris
    Dorothy Jones

    CHAPTER 44
    An Ontological View of Advanced Practice Nursing
    Cynthia Arslanian-Engoren
    Frank D. Hicks
    Ann L. Whall
    Donna L. Algase

    CHAPTER 45
    Nursing: The Ontology of the Discipline
    Pamela G. Reed

    CHAPTER 46
    The Power of Wholeness, Consciousness, and Caring A Dialogue on Nursing Science, Art, and Healing
    W. Richard Cowling, III
    Marlaine C. Smith
    Jean Watson

    CHAPTER 47
    A Multiparadigm Approach to Nursing
    Joan Engebretson

    UNIT 9'
    Future Directions for Nursing Theory'

    CHAPTER 48
    A Central Unifying Focus for the Discipline: Facilitating Humanization, Meaning, Choice, Quality of Life, and Healing in Living and Dying
    Danny G. Willis
    Pamela J. Grace
    Callista Roy

    CHAPTER 49
    Nursing Reformation: Historical Reflections and Philosophic Foundations
    Pamela G. Reed

    CHAPTER 50
    Historical Voices of Resistance: Crossing Boundaries to Praxis Through Documentary Filmmaking for the Public
    Paula N. Kagan

    CHAPTER 51
    Unity of Knowledge in the Advancement of Nursing Knowledge
    Karen K. Giuliano
    Lynda Tyer-Viola
    Ruth Palan Lopez

    CHAPTER 52
    A Practice Discipline That’s Here and Now
    Merian C. Litchfield
    Helga Jónsdóttir

    Author Index
    Subject Index
    • Features 52 of the most widely read and frequently cited articles reflecting seminal, modern, and futuristic perspectives on nursing theory
    • Includes new articles reflecting current, cutting-edge views of nursing theory and trends
    • Includes biographical information about each author that provides insight into the author's perspective
    • Includes personal commentaries from each author that reflects their current thinking on the subject matter
    • New articles on practice knowledge and practice-based theory
    • Unit introductions with discussion questions
    • The only anthology of its kind that offers the breadth of published articles on diverse topics related to nursing theory
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Perspectives on Nursing Theory

Perspectives on Nursing Theory

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