This text is an invaluable, comprehensive data reference for anyone involved in health physics or radiation safety. This new edition addresses the specific data requirements of health physicists, with data presented in large tables, including the latest NCRP recommendations, which are tabulated and given in both SI and traditional units for ease of use. Although portions of these data can be obtained from various internet sites, many are obscure, difficult to navigate and/or have conflicting information for even the most common data, such as specific gamma ray constants. This new edition compiles all essential data in this vast field into one user-friendly, authoritative source. It also offers a website with full-text search capability. Markets include radiation safety, medical physics and nuclear medicine.
Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
8.375 x 10.875
Publication Date
December 23, 2011
Thomas E. Johnson PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Brian K. Birky Ph.D.
Public and Environmental Health Research Director, Florida Institute of Phosphate Research, University of South Florida, Bartow, FL
Chapter 1 Estimates of Radiation Doses from Various Sources of Exposure Chapter 2 Commonly Used Units, Signs, Symbols, Conversion Factors, and Constants Chapter 3 Rules of Thumb and Useful Equations Chapter 4 Standards and Guidelines for Limiting Ionizing Radiation Dose Chapter 5 Interaction of Radiation with Matter Chapter 6 Exposure and Shielding from External Radiation Chapter 7 Neutron Production, Shielding and Activation Chapter 8 Radionuclide Data Chapter 9 Radiation Measurement Instruments Chapter 10 Radiation Doses in the Healing Arts Chapter 11 Operational Health Physics Chapter 12 Bioassay and Radiobiological Data Chapter 13 Radiation Dosimetry Chapter 14 Ionizing Radiation Benefits and Risks Chapter 15 Nonionizing Radiation Chapter 16 Summary With Contributions from Melissa A. Johnson
Decay schemes for selected radionuclides New data from ICRP 103 ICRP external dose rates updated. Common ABHP equations added Companion website with fully searchable text and images Comprehensive source of authoritative data
"Interestingly, it is the 1970 version of the handbook that is most frequently sought after. This edition preserves the essential content and dramatically expands on it. Other handbooks with subsets of this information are available along with online sources, but the completeness of this single volume makes it valuable. The extent of data it includes for diagnostic medical imaging and radiation therapy makes me wonder if it is better suited for medical physicists than health physicists. This is not truly a limitation of the book, however, because it increases its utility and potential audience. My old copy of the 1970 handbook is worn and tattered, and I've purchased an electronic copy of it because I wasn't willing to give it up. I fully expect that this new edition will become a similarly treasured reference and will be dog-eared and ragged on the shelves of many health and medical physicists. Perhaps more importantly, it will be an often-clicked bookmark in many browsers." - Doody's Book Review (November 2012) Douglas E Pfeiffer, MS(Boulder Community Hospital)
"This book adds the "next milestone" to the continuum begun by the original Radiological Health Handbook, circa 1950. This update is a welcome comprehensive data reference for anyone involved in the practice of health physics." Health Physics Reviews (January, 2013) Stephen V. Musolino, Ph.D, CHP (Brookhaven National Library)
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