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Human Genetics

From Molecules to Medicine
Publication Date:
December 19, 2011
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Human Genetics: From Molecules to Medicine provides balanced coverage of molecular and clinical genetics for the preclinical medical student with ...
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  • Human Genetics: From Molecules to Medicine provides balanced coverage of molecular and clinical genetics for the preclinical medical student with relevant examples of the application of basic science to clinical medicine. With its unique, systems-based approach ideal for integrated curricula, the text guides students through their genetics, pediatrics, and medicine rotations and will also be helpful as a pocket resource for residents in pediatrics, internal medicine, family medicine, and obstetrics. Content has been carefully adapted from the critically acclaimed German text for the English language audience.
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    10 x 7
    Publication Date
    December 19, 2011
  • Christian P. Schaaf MD
    Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
    Johannes Zschocke MD, PhD
    Metabolic Geneticist, Director of Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Department of Pediatrics I, University Children's Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany
    Lorraine Potocki MD
    Associate Professor of Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
  • 1. Introduction
    Part I: The Biological Basis of Human Genetics
    2. Molecular Basis of Human Genetics
    3. Mutations and Genetic Variability
    4. Pathomechanisms of Genetic Diseases
    5. Modes of Inheritance
    6. Twin Pregnancies
    7. Cancer Genetics
    8. Aging and Genetics
    9. Pharmacogenetics
    Part II: The Clinical Basis of Medical Genetics
    10. Human Genetics as a Medical Specialty
    11. Genetic Counseling
    12. The Diagnostic Approach for a Child with Multiple Anomalies or Dysmorphic Features
    13. Malformations and Other Morphological Disturbances
    14. Risk Estimation and Calculation
    15. Methods for Laboratory Diagnostics in Genetics
    16. Metabolic Diagnostics and Newborn Screening
    17. Prenatal Genetic Evaluation
    18. Ethical Concerns in Medical Genetics
    Part III: Clinical Genetics
    19. Multiple Congenital Anomalies
    20. Skin and Connective Tissue
    21.Cardiovascular System and Hematology
    22. Respiratory System
    23. Gastrointestinal and Digestive System
    24. Metabolic Disorders
    25. Endocrinology and Immune System
    26. Skeletal System
    27. Urinary System
    28. Genital System and Sexual Development
    29. Visual System
    30. Auditory System
    31. Neurological and Neuromuscular Disorders
    32. Neoplastic Diseases
    Part IV: Approaches to Clinical Problems
    33. Infertility and Sterility
    34. Miscarriage and Fetal Demise
    35. Growth Disturbances
    36. Abnormal Head Size
    37. Immunodeficiency Syndromes
    Part V: Living with Genetic Disorders – Patient Reports
    38. Reports of Patients and Their Families
    • Excursions boxes feature information that helps students tie abstract concepts to more concrete examples.
    • Chapter objectives prepare students for the material to follow.
    • More than 100 full-color clinical photographs profile common and rare disorders.
    • More than 50 full-color diagrams illustrate concepts visually.
    • Highlighted terms within chapters and end-of-text Glossary make it easy to locate and understand the language of genetics.
    • Online cases with recommendations for diagnosis and treatment
    • Online quiz bank with USMLE-style questions
    • Fully-searchable text online
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Human Genetics

Human Genetics

ISBN/ISSN: 9781608316717
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