A new, nursing specific Health Assesment video series consisting of six volumes. Volume 1 presents the basics of nursing health assessment and techniques for interviewing, performing the physical assessment, and collecting data. Volume 2 covers foundational assessments. Volumes 3, 4, 5, and 6 systematically address assessment of all the body systems. This video series can be used in conjunction with any nursing health assessment text. The content is appropriate for undergraduate nursing students.
Product Format
Shippable Access Card
Publication Date
November 15, 2010
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
VOLUME 1: INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH ASSESSMENT IN NURSING Topic 1: Basics of Nursing Health Assessment Topic 2: Techniques of Interviewing Topic 3: Health History Taking Topic 4: Physical Examination Topic 5: Validating, Documenting, and Analyzing Data
VOLUME 2: FOUNDATIONAL ASSESSMENTS FOR ALL PATIENTS Topic 1: Mental Status and General Survey Topic 2: Vital Signs and Pain Topic 3: Domestic Violence Topic 4: Nutrition
VOLUME 3: REGIONAL EXAMINATIONS: Skin and HEENT Topic 1: Skin, Hair, and Nails Topic 2: Head and Neck Topic 3: Eyes Topic 4: Ears, Nose, Mouth, and Throat
VOLUME 4: REGIONAL EXAMINATIONS: RESPIRATORY, CARDIAC, AND GI Topic 1: Thorax and Lungs Topic 2: Neck Vessels and Heart Topic 3: Peripheral Vascular and Lymphatic Systems Topic 4: Abdomen
VOLUME 5: REGIONAL EXAMINATIONS: REPRODUCTIVE Topic 1: Breasts and Regional Lymphatics and Female Genitalia Topic 2: Male Genitalia, Anus, Rectum, and Prostate Topic 3: Advanced Assessment of the Female Genitalia (from Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Assessment) Topic 4: Advanced Assessment of the Anus, Rectum, and Prostate (from Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Assessment)
VOLUME 6: REGIONAL EXAMINATIONS: MUSCULOSKELETAL AND NEUROLOGICAL Topic 1: Musculoskeletal System Topic 2: Neurological System
Organized to teach students the basics of every health examination : interviewing, documentation, commonly used equipment, and holistic health history including mental status, nutrition, vital signs, pain, and domestic violence.
Consistent focus on holistic nursing assessment
Clearly differentiates health assessment from traditional physical examination Differentiates comprehensive from focused examinations Cultural diversity is clearly protrayed in examples of examiners, patients, and settings.
Integrates lifespan issues where appropriate throughout Body systems grouped regionally for logical flow. Clearly differentiates common examination techniques from higher-level examinations
Focused Assessment Case Examples engage students and make coverage relevant. Represents a range of settings : hospital, office examination room, and even community-based settings. Six full hours of video
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