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Practical Guide to Office Gynecologic Procedures

Publication Date:
April 24, 2013
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Office based procedures in surgical fields are rapidly growing allowing for quicker diagnosis and treatment. This new book, A Practical ...
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  • Office based procedures in surgical fields are rapidly growing allowing for quicker diagnosis and treatment. This new book, A Practical Guide to Office Gynecologic Procedures provides the step-by-step guide to office-based procedures physicians need to treat women in the ambulatory setting.
    Covering the most commonly used office gynecologic procedures, this new book covers indications, proper positioning, anesthesia and equipment needed for over 35 office-based procedures. Chapters also present careful guidance on effective patient management.
    Perform gynecologic procedures in a cost-effective ambulatory setting, while improving the outcome for your patients with this easy-to-use clinical reference.
    • Written by the faculty, fellows, and residents of the Stanford Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    • Includes foreword by prestigious Editor, Dr. Jonathan Berek
    • Practical, illustrated guide provides the “need-to-know” information on performing common office procedures
    • CPT codes are listed to save you time
    • Over 250 full color-figures (illustrations, photos) help identify and demonstrate how to perform techniques
    • Convenient companion website includes fully searchable text and images providing you access to the content anytime
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    April 24, 2013
  • Paul D Blumenthal MD, MPH

    Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology

    Director, The Stanford Gynecology Service

    Director, Stanford Program for International Reproductive Education and Services (SPIRES)

    Stanford University School of Medicine

    Stanford, California

    Jonathan S. Berek MD, MMS
    Laurie Kraus Lacob Professor 
    Director, Stanford Women’s Cancer Center
    Stanford Cancer Institute
    Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Stanford University School of Medicine
    Stanford, California
    Paul D Blumenthal MD, MPH

    Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology

    Director, The Stanford Gynecology Service

    Director, Stanford Program for International Reproductive Education and Services (SPIRES)

    Stanford University School of Medicine

    Stanford, California

  • Foreword
    Jonathan S. Berek
    Amy E. Wong and Paul D. Blumenthal

    Chapter 1
    Pain Relief for Office Gynecologic Surgery
    T.T. Nguyen and Paul D. Blumenthal

    Chapter 2: External Genitalia
    2. 1
    Keyes Punch Biopsy for Vulvar Lesions
    Stephanie Fisher, Laura Brodzinsky and Paul D. Blumenthal
    Q-Tip Test for Vulvar Vestibulitis
    Stephanie Fisher, and Laura Brodzinsky, and Paul D. Blumenthal

    Chapter 3
    Acetic Acid and Iodine (Schiller’s Test) Testing for Vulvar Intra-epithelial Neoplasia
    Katherine Fuh and Paul D. Blumenthal

    Chapter 4
    Bartholin's Gland Cyst/Abscess
    Anahita Jafari, Mary Jacobson, and Paul D. Blumenthal

    Chapter 5
    Condylomata and Molluscum Contagiosum
    Anahita Jafari, Mary Jacobson, and Paul D. Blumenthal

    Chapter 6
    External Genitalia: Toluidine Blue Testing
    Katharine Anne Willoughby and Harise Stein

    Chapter 7: Vaginal Swab and Wet Prep
    Vaginal Swab Testing for GC/CT in Virginal Teens
    Katharine Anne Willoughby and Paula J. Adams Hillard
    Wet Prep
    Katharine Anne Willoughby and Paula J. Adams Hillard
    Vaginal Cultures
    Katharine Anne Willoughby and Paula J. Adams Hillard

    Chapter 8
    Colposcopy: Vagina and Cervix
    Inna Landres and Paul D. Blumenthal

    Chapter 9
    Imperforate Hymen, Hymenotomy, and Division of the Hymenal Band
    Kevin Henry Maas and Paula J. Adams Hillard

    Chapter 10
    Pudendal Block
    Stephanie Fisher and Paul D. Blumenthal

    Chapter 11
    Clitoral Hair Tourniquet Syndrome
    Pauline Chang and Paula J. Adams Hillard

    Chapter 12
    Exam of the PrepUbertal Female
    Christine C. Picco and Paula J. Adams Hillard

    Chapter 13: Cervix
    Katherine Fuh and Paul D. Blumenthal
    Cervical Punch Biopsy
    Katherine Fuh and Paul D. Blumenthal
    Katherine Fuh and Paul D. Blumenthal
    LEEP (Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure)
    Katherine Fuh and Paul D. Blumenthal
    Laser Ablation or Conization
    Katherine Fuh and Paul D. Blumenthal
    Katherine Fuh and Paul D. Blumenthal
    Paracervical Block
    Katherine Fuh and Paul D. Blumenthal

    Chapter 14
    Endometrial Sampling
    T.T. Nguyen and Paul D. Blumenthal

    Chapter 15: Endometrial Imaging
    Office Hysteroscopy
    Brooke Friedman, Leah Millheiser, and Paul D. Blumenthal
    Saline Infusion Sonohysterography
    Brooke Friedman, Leah Millheiser, and Paul D. Blumenthal

    Chapter 16: Abortion
    Surgical Methods of Pregnancy Termination
    Carrie Frederick and Paul D. Blumenthal
    Second Trimester Dilation and Evacuation
    Carrie Frederick and Paul D. Blumenthal

    Chapter 17
    Intrauterine Insemination
    Brooke Friedman and Mary T. Jacobson

    Chapter 18
    Trigger Point Injections: Abdomen, Buttocks and Skin
    T.T. Nguyen, Paul D. Blumenthal, and Mary T. Jacobson

    Chapter 19
    Hysteroscopic Sterilization (Essure™)
    T.T. Nguyen, Paul D. Blumenthal, and Mary T. Jacobson

    Chapter 20
    Subdermal Contraceptive Implants
    T.T. Nguyen and Paul D. Blumenthal

    Chapter 21
    Intrauterine Contraception
    Jessica Kassis and Paul D. Blumenthal

    Chapter 22
    Office Urodynamics
    Amy E. Wong and Eric R. Sokol

    Chapter 23
    Palpable Breast Mass
    Amy E. Wong and Irene Wapnir

    • Written by the faculty, fellows, and residents of the Stanford Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    • Includes foreword by prestigious Editor, Dr. Jonathan Berek
    • Practical, illustrated guide provides the “need-to-know” information on performing common office procedures
    • CPT codes are listed to save you time
    • Over 250 full color-figures (illustrations, photos) help identify and demonstrate how to perform techniques
    • Convenient companion website includes fully searchable text and images providing you access to the content anytime
  • "This is a worthwhile contribution to the field. It has quick takes on the most commonly performed procedures with nice illustrations."
    Doody's Reviews
    Anthony Shanks, MD(Washington University School of Medicine)
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Practical Guide to Office Gynecologic Procedures

Practical Guide to Office Gynecologic Procedures

ISBN/ISSN: 9781605477046
USD $104.99 Quantity :
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