Khan's Lectures: Handbook of the Physics of Radiation Therapy will provide a digest of the material contained in The Physics of Radiation Therapy . Lectures will be presented somewhat similar to a PowerPoint format, discussing key points of individual chapters. Selected diagrams from the textbook will be used to initiate the discussion. New illustrations will used, wherever needed, to enhance the understanding of important concepts. Discussion will be condensed and often bulleted. Theoretical details will be referred to the textbook and the cited literature. A problem set (practice questions) will be provided at the end of each chapter topic.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
10 x 7
Publication Date
June 27, 2011
Faiz M Khan PhD
Department of Therapeutic Radiology, University of Minnesota Hospital and Clinic, Minneapolis, MN
--20-30 practice questions (a mix of problems and multiple choice questions) will be provided at the end of each chapter, with answer keys, hints, and explanations for each question at the end of the book --4-color diagrams (new as well as from the primary text) --Good complement to Physics of Radiation Therapy --Great for board review as well as recertification
Khan's Lectures: Handbook of the Physics of Radiation Therapy
ISBN/ISSN: 9781605476810
USD $109.99 Quantity:
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