Perfect for individuals of all ages and fitness levels, the Functional Performance Training DVD is the key to restoring function and maintaining an active lifestyle. Through activity and sport-specific training, this DVD helps to train balance, agility, and power for your whole body. Functional training involves the same movements you use in your daily life. This DVD emphasizes movement patterns which are important for daily tasks and sport or recreational activities. In contrast to traditional strength training which isolates individual muscles, Dr. Liebenson guides you in functionally integrated patterns that you will use in pushing, pUL>This product is priced for individual use. Please contact your sales rep from Institutional Pricing.
Product Format
Installed Software DVD
Publication Date
August 17, 2011
Craig Liebenson DC
Private Practice, Los Angeles, CA
“Functional Training is often a term that carries so many different definitions and adds unnecessary confusion to training and rehab programming. In this DVD, Dr. Liebenson solves the problem of defining Functional Training with the smooth defintion of something purposeful. In providing a wide gamet of movements and exercises for all training levels, this DVD will add to your library and fit in some great choices among the programming you are already using.” Charlie Weingroff, DPT Doctor of Physical Therapy Strength & Conditioning Coach Athletic Trainer
“The DVD was well thought out, informative, progressive and focused on quality unlike many other functional training dvd’s on the market. The pictures and audio together are very helpful. The information is great for beginners and nice reminder for intermediate and advanced practitioners with functional training background.” Annie O’Connor PT, OCS, Cert. MDT Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Corporate Director Musculoskeletal Practice
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