The Third Edition of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice reflects a clinically-focused, team-based approach to health promotion ...
The Third Edition of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice reflects a clinically-focused, team-based approach to health promotion conversations. This practical reference incorporates the latest guidelines from major organizations, including the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, and offers a complete overview of how to help patients adopt healthy behaviors and deliver recommended screening tests and immunizations. Packed with realistic strategies throughout, it offers expert guidance on counseling patients about exercise, nutrition, tobacco use, substance use, sexually transmitted infections, depression, and more.
Provides sample conversations and practical strategies for preventive counseling during each stage of the patient encounter: gathering information from the patient, ordering evidence-based screenings and lab tests, designing personalized health maintenance plans, facilitating behavior change, and more.
Incorporates real-world guidance from experts in behavioral change in the context of limited resources, tailoring advice to different ethnic, financial, and social viewpoints.
Helps you identify possible environmental or lifestyle risks and help patients develop strategies for mitigating those risks.
Addresses the importance of providing care through a population health lens.
Contains updated patient resource materials and instructions.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
April 23, 2019
Jessica Shank Coviello DNP, APRN, ANP-BC
Associate Professor Yale School of Nursing New Haven, Connecticut
Contents Foreword vi Preface x Contributors xiv Acknowledgments xix Introduction xx PART ONE • Gathering Information Chapter 1 Population Health 3 MARTHA OKAFOR Chapter 2 Principles of Risk Assessment 32 ELIZABETH ROESSLER Chapter 3 The History: What to Ask About 52 ELIZABETH ROESSLER Chapter 4 The Physical Examination: Where to Look for Preclinical Disease 78 DAVID BRISSETTE Chapter 5 Laboratory Screening T ests 117 DAVID BRISSETTE PART TWO • What to Do with the Informa tion—Designing a Health Maintenance Plan Targeted to Personal Health Behaviors and Risk Factors Chapter 6 Introduction to the Principles of Health Behavior Change 159 CAROLYNN SPERA BRUNO and BABETTE BIESECKER Chapter 7 Regular Exercise 178 LINDA T. GOTTLIEB Chapter 8 Nutrition 201Chapter 9 Weight Management 235 MARY SAVOYE Chapter 10 Tobacco Use 265 LISA M. FUCITO Chapter 11 Substance Use 287 ROBERT M. WEINRIEB Chapter 12 Contraception 312 ALISON MORIARTY DALEY Chapter 13 Sexually Transmitted Infections 336 ALISON MORIARTY DALEY Chapter 14 Depression, Mood Disorders, and Cognitive Impairment 354 LINDA TRINH Chapter 15 Self-Examination of the Breasts, Testes, and Skin 377 GERALDINE F. MARROCCO Chapter 16 Chemoprophylaxis 390 MARY DIETMANN Chapter 17 Immunizations 403 NANCY C. BANASIAK Chapter 18 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention for Children and Adolescents 488 NANCY C. BANASIAK and ALISON MORIARTY DALEY Chapter 19 What to Do With Abnormal Screening Test Results? 516 LESLIE ANN KOLE Chapter 20 What Not to Do and Why: The Arguments Against Some Forms of Screening and Chemoprevention 558 JANELLE GUIRGUIS-BLAKE and RUSSELL HARRIS PART THREE • Putting Prevention Recommen dations into Practice Chapter 21 Developing a Health Maintenance Schedule 589 KELLY F. HOLTZ and GERALDINE F. MARROCCO Chapter 22 Shared Decision Making: A Path to Patient-Centered Care 602Chapter 23 The Future of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice 610 SUSANNE J. PHILLIPS Online Appendix A: Apps and Digital Resources List Index 619 Indicates material is available online through the eBook bundled with this text. Please see the inside front cover for eBook access instructions.
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice
ISBN/ISSN: 9781496399977
USD $90.00 Quantity:
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