Now in striking full color, this pocket-sized Second Edition of the first osteopathic clinical manual organized by diagnoses continues its proven quick-reference format. Presented in the tradition of The 5-Minute Consult Series , each diagnosis is presented in an at-a-glance, two-page spread. The first page defines the disease and lists associated autonomic and motor innervations and common somatic dysfunctions, while the second page lists appropriate techniques. ICD-10 billing codes, updated photos, and easy-to-understand schematic drawings combine with concise content to help readers make quick, accurate diagnoses that ensure the best possible care for every patient. Expanded coverage of OMM techniques and new color photos make the second edition an even more useful quick clinical reference.
Portable, pocket-size format makes it easy to flip to clinically relevant information on diagnoses, conditions, and tests
Time-related treatment options for each diagnosis include 2-Minute Treatments, 5-Minute Treatments, and Extended Treatments
An intuitive four-part organization covers Topics (diseases and disorders), Techniques, Specialized Tests , and Summary Charts .
Expanded content includes guides for high yield focused structural exams, an expanded techniques section and a quick reference guide for preceptors of residents and students
New! A full-color design and updated, high-quality photos clarify techniques and concepts
Updated! ICD-10 codes for billing are included for each technique
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience with Enhanced Video, Audio and Interactive Capabilities!
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
April 11, 2019
Millicent King Channell D.O.
David C. Mason D.O.
CONTENTS The Importance of This Book—xi Billing and Coding—xv OMM Precepting Guide—xviii Acronyms and Abbreviations—xxxv SECTION I: DIAGNOSES Allergy/Postnasal Drip—2 Ankle Sprain—4 Anxiety—6 Arthritis (In? ammatory)—10 Arthritis (Osteoarthritis)—12 Asthma—14 Atelectasis—16 Bell’s Palsy—18 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome—20 Cervical Spondylosis—22 Cholecystitis—24 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease—26 Colic—28 Common Cold—30 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (Re? ex Sympathetic Dystrophy)—32 Congestive Heart Failure—34 Constipation—36 Costochondritis—38 Depression—40 Diarrhea—44 Dupuytren Contracture/Trigger Finger—46 Dysmenorrhea—48CONTENTS Dyspareunia/Pelvic Pain—50 Dysphagia—54 Emesis—56 Erectile Dysfunction—58 Fibromyalgia—60 Frozen Shoulder—64 Gastritis/Gastroesophageal Re? ux Disease/Dyspepsia—66 Headache—68 Hiccups (Singultus)—70 Hypertension—72 Ileus—74 In? ammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis)—76 In? uenza—78 Irritable Bowel Syndrome—80 Lateral Epicondylitis—84 Low Back Pain—86 Medial Epicondylitis—90 Otitis Media/Serous/Infectious—92 Pelvic In? ammatory Disease—94 Peptic Ulcer Disease—96 Pharyngitis/Tonsillitis—98 Pneumonia—100 Postconcussive Syndrome—102 Pregnancy—104 Premenstrual Syndrome—108 Pyloric Stenosis—110 Restless Legs Syndrome—112 Rhinitis, Allergic—114 Sacroiliitis—116 Sciatica—118 Scoliosis—120 Sinusitis—122CONTENTS Spinal Stenosis—124 Tachycardia—126 Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction—128 Thoracic Outlet Syndrome—130 Tinnitus—132 Torticollis—134 Urinary Tract Infection—136 Vertigo/Labyrinthitis—138 SECTION II: STRUCTURAL EVALUATIONS AND TREATMENT TECHNIQUES DIAGNOSING SOMATIC DYSFUNCTION General Overview of Somatic Dysfunction and Diagnosis—143 Motions of the Spine—144 Intersegmental Motion Testing—145 FOCUSED STRUCTURAL EXAMS Introduction—147 Head and Neck Complaints (Include Upper Respiratory Infections, Allergies, Headache, Neck Pain)—148 Cardiopulmonary Symptoms—149 Gastrointestinal Complaints—150 Low Back Pain (Including Pregnancy Modi? cation)—151 Lower Extremity Pain (Includes Hip, Knee, Ankle, Foot)—152 Upper Extremity Pain (Includes Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist and Hand)—153 TECHNIQUES Head OA Release—155 Sinus Ef? eurage—156 Muncie Technique—157 Pterygoid Release Technique—158CONTENTS TMJ Unwinding—159 Galbreath Technique—160 Auricular Drainage—161 Venous Sinus Drainage—162 CV4 Technique—165 Cervical Counterstrain—Anterior Tenderpoints—167 FPR—Anterior Tenderpoints—168 Counterstrain—Posterior Tenderpoints—169 FPR—Posterior Tenderpoints—170 Muscle Energy—Typical: C2–C7—171 Muscle Energy—Atypicals: AA—172 Muscle Energy—Atypicals: OA—173 Soft Tissue—Perpendicular Stretch—174 Soft Tissue—Longitudinal Stretch—175 HVLA—Typicals: C2–C7 (Rotational Thrust Emphasis)—176 HVLA—Atypicals: AA—177 HVLA—Atypicals: OA—178 Thoracic Seated Forward Leaning Articulatory—179 Counterstrain—Anterior Tenderpoints—180 Counterstrain—Posterior Tenderpoints—182 Muscle Energy—Fryette’s Type 1—184 Muscle Energy—Fryette’s Type 2—185 Soft Tissue—Perpendicular Stretch—186 HVLA—Seated Thoracic HVLA T1–T5 (Full Nelson)—187 HVLA—Supine Double Arm Thrust (Kirksville)—188 HVLA—Prone Double Arm Thrust (Texas) Fryette’s Type 2—190 HVLA—Prone Double Arm Thrust (Texas) Fryette’s Type 1—191 Myofascial Release Direct—Pectoral Traction—192 Lymphatic—Thoracic Pump—193CONTENTS Lumbar Counterstrain—Anterior Tenderpoints (General)—194 Counterstrain—Posterior Tenderpoints (General)—195 Soft Tissue—Perpendicular Stretch—196 Muscle Energy—Fryette’s Type 1—197 Muscle Energy—Fryette’s Type 2—198 HVLA—Lateral Recumbent (Lumbar Roll)—200 Sacrum Articulatory—202 Muscle Energy—Bilateral Sacral Flexion—203 Muscle Energy—Bilateral Extension—204 Muscle Energy—Anterior Torsion—205 Muscle Energy—Posterior Torsion—206 Innominate Muscle Energy Joint Mobilization—Anterior Innominate Rotation Dysfunction—207 Muscle Energy Joint Mobilization—Posterior Innominate Rotation Dysfunction: Patient Supine—208 Muscle Energy Joint Mobilization—Posterior Innominate Rotation Dysfunction: Alternate Prone Setup—209 Muscle Energy Joint Mobilization—In? are Dysfunction—210 Muscle Energy Joint Mobilization—Out? are Dysfunction—211 Muscle Energy Joint Mobilization/Respiratory Assist—Superior Innominate Shear Dysfunction—212 Muscle Energy Joint Mobilization/Respiratory Assist—Inferior Innominate Shear Dysfunction—213 Upper Extremity Carpal Bone—Articulatory—214 Flexor Retinaculum Release (Carpal Tunnel Treatment)— Myofascial Release—215 Spencer Technique—Articulatory—216CONTENTS Spencer Technique—Muscle Energy—224 Counterstrain—Supraspinatus—232 Counterstrain—Infraspinatus—233 Counterstrain—Teres Major—234 Counterstrain—Teres Minor—235 Counterstrain—Subscapularis—236 Counterstrain—Common Flexors of the Wrist—237 Counterstrain—Common Extensors of the Wrist—238 Lymphatic—Ef? eurage—239 Muscle Energy—Posterior Radial Head Dysfunction (Pronation Dysfunction)—241 Muscle Energy—Anterior Radial Head Dysfunction (Supination Dysfunction)—242 Lower Extremity Lymphatic Pedal Pump—243 Lymphatic—Ef? eurage—244 Muscle Energy—Psoas Hypertonicity—246 Muscle Energy—Piriformis Hypertonicity—247 Counterstrain—Psoas Hypertonicity—248 Counterstrain—Piriformis Hypertonicity—250 Ribs Counterstrain—Anterior Tenderpoints AR1–AR10—252 Counterstrain—Posterior Tenderpoints PR1–PR10—254 Springing Technique (Myofascial Release)—Rib Raising—256 Muscle Energy Using Respiratory Assist—First or Second Rib Inhalation Dysfunction—258 Muscle Energy—Ribs 3 to 10 Inhalation Dysfunction—259 Muscle Energy Using Respiratory Assist—Ribs 11 and 12 Inhalation Dysfunction—261 Muscle Energy—First Rib Exhalation Dysfunction—262 Muscle Energy—Second Rib Exhalation Dysfunction—263 Muscle Energy—Ribs 3 to 5 Exhalation Dysfunction—264CONTENTS Muscle Energy—Ribs 6 to 10 Exhalation Dysfunction—265 Muscle Energy—Ribs 11 to 12 Exhalation Dysfunction—266 Abdomen Myofascial Release/Lymphatic—Doming of the Diaphragm—267 Myofascial Release Direct Inhibition—Collateral Ganglion Release—268 Direct Inhibition—Chapman’s Re? ex—270 Myofascial Release—Colonic Stimulation—271 Myofascial Release Direct—Mesenteric Release/Lift—275 SPECIALIZED TESTS Head Cranial Nerve Testing—277 Temporomandibular Joint Evaluation—280 Cervical Spine Distraction Test—281 Cervical Compression Test (Spurling’s Test)—282 Valsalva Test—283 Swallowing Test (Possible Infection, Osteophytes, Hematoma, or Tumor in the Anterior Portion of the Cervical Spine)—284 Lower Extremity Tests Trendelenburg’s Test (Gluteus Medius Weakness)—285 Knee Exam—Anterior Drawer Test (Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear)—286 Knee Exam—Posterior Drawer Test (Posterior Cruciate Ligament Tear)—287 Apley’s Compression Test (Meniscal Tears)—288 Apley’s Distraction Test (Ligamentous Tears)—289 Lachman’s Test (Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear)—290 McMurray’s Test (Posterior Tear of the Medial Meniscus)—291 McMurray’s Test (Tear of the Lateral Meniscus)—292CONTENTS Patellar Grind Test (Chondromalacia)—293 Valgus Stress (Medial Collateral Ligament Tear)—294 Varus Stress (Lateral Collateral Ligament Tear)—295 Anterior Drawer Test for Ankle Instability (Tear of Anterior Talo? bular Ligament and Possibly Other Ligaments)—296 Lumbar Spine Straight Leg Raising Test—297 Hip Drop Test—298 Pelvis Tests ASIS Compression Test (Locates the Side of Somatic Dysfunction in the Pelvis)—300 Standing Flexion Test (Locates the Side of Somatic Dysfunction in the Pelvis)—301 Seated Flexion Test (Locates the Side of Somatic Dysfunction in the Pelvis, Especially the Sacrum)—302 Lumbosacral Spring Test (Posterior Sacral Base)—303 Upper Extremity Tests Apley’s Scratch Test (Shoulder Range of Motion)—304 Drop Arm Test (Rotator Cuff Tears, Especially Supraspinatus)—305 Neer’s Test (Impingement of Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus Tendons under Acromion Process)—306 Hawkin’s Test (Impingement of Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus Tendons under Acromion Process)—307 Speed’s Test (Biceps Tendonitis, Enthesopathy, or Labral Tear)—308 Yergason’s Test (Stability of the Biceps Tendon in the Bicipital Groove)—309 Apprehension Test (Anterior Glenohumeral Instability)—310 Adson’s Test (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome) (Brachial Plexus Impingement between Anterior and Middle Scalene)—311 Military Posture Test (Costoclavicular Syndrome Test) (Brachial Plexus Impingement between Clavicle and First Rib)—312CONTENTS Wright’s Test (Brachial Plexus Impingement under Pectoralis Minor)—313 Tinel’s Sign at Elbow (Ulnar Nerve Entrapment)—314 Cozen’s Test—Tennis Elbow Test (Lateral Epicondylitis)—315 Mill’s Test—Tennis Elbow Test (Lateral Epicondylitis)—316 Golfer’s Elbow Test (Medial Epicondylitis)—317 Tests for Ligamentous Stability at Elbow—318 Allen’s Test (Arterial Insuf? ciency of the Radial and Ulnar Arteries to the Hand)—319 Finkelstein’s Test (de Quervain’s Disease/Tenosynovitis)—320 Phalen’s Test (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)—321 Tinel’s Sign at Wrist (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)—322 SUMMARY CHARTS Potential Upper Extremity Nerve Impingements—323 Potential Lower Extremity Nerve Impingements—324 Anterior Dermatomes—325 Posterior Dermatomes—326 Re? exes—Upper Extremity—327 Re? exes—Lower Extremity—330 Muscle Strength—Upper Extremity—332 Muscle Strength—Lower Extremity—339 Cranial Holds—341 Sacral Diagnosis—360 References—363 Index—377
Portable, pocket-size format makes it easy to flip to clinically relevant information on diagnoses, conditions, and tests
Time-related treatment options for each diagnosis include 2-Minute Treatments, 5-Minute Treatments, and Extended Treatments
An intuitive four-part organization covers Topics (diseases and disorders), Techniques, Specialized Tests , and Summary Charts .
Expanded content includes guides for high yield focused structural exams, an expanded techniques section and a quick reference guide for preceptors of residents and students
New! A full-color design and updated, high-quality photos clarify techniques and concepts
Updated! ICD-10 codes for billing are included for each technique
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience with Enhanced Video, Audio and Interactive Capabilities!
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech
The 5-Minute Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Consult
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