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Legal Concepts and Best Practices in Obstetrics

The Nuts and Bolts Guide to Mitigating Risk
Publication Date:
September 9, 2019
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Obstetrics and the Law: A Medical Legal Casebook provides valuable information on the medical legal aspects of obstetrics, offering an ...
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  • Obstetrics and the Law: A Medical Legal Casebook provides valuable information on the medical legal aspects of obstetrics, offering an important learning opportunity for obstetricians and trainees, as well as midwives, nurses, attorneys, and hospital administrators. Written by Dr. Steven Warsof, a seasoned maternal-fetal medicine specialist with extensive experience in the legal aspects of obstetrics, this unique resource not only familiarizes readers with today’s medical legal process, but also presents case studies on common medical legal issues with commentary on how outcomes might have been improved.
    • Provides a comprehensive summary of each case along with the clinical outcome, perspectives of the plaintiff and defendant, outcome of the case (when known), best practices for prevention (with a focus on preventable vs. non-preventable risk), standard points of care, and key takeaway points.
    • Offers best practices for prevention and highlights key learning points for minimizing preventable risk.
    • Includes chapters by notable maternal-fetal medicine specialists and attorneys with expertise in this complex area.

    Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    September 9, 2019
  • Steven Warsof
  • xiii
    Contributing Authors vii
    Foreword xi
    1 Introduction 3
    James Shwayder, MD, JD
    2 What Is Malpractice? 12
    Darwin Bünger, JD
    3 Who Are the Players? 22
    Pamela Pantages, JD
    4 Minimizing Your Medical Legal Risk 34
    Steven Warsof, MD
    5 Complications Involving Obstetrical Ultrasound 43
    Ray Abinader, MD; and Steven Warsof, MD
    6 Management of Preeclampsia and Hypertensive Diseases of
    Pregnancy 58
    Ibrahim Hammad, MD; and Steven Warsof, MD
    7 Complications Involving Fetal Monitoring 66
    Steven Warsof, MD
    8 Complications Involving Shoulder Dystocia 82
    Steven Warsof, MDxiv Contents
    9 Complications Involving Postpartum Hemorrhage 89
    Seif Sadek, MD; and Steven Warsof, MD
    10 Placenta Accreta—The Morbidly Adherent Placenta 94
    Jennifer Philips, MD; and Steven Warsof, MD
    11 Management of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 99
    Ibrahim Hammad, MD; and Steven Warsof, MD
    12 Complications Involving Recurrent Preterm Labor and
    Premature Rupture of Membranes 107
    Steven Warsof, MD
    13 Multiple Gestation 121
    Steven Warsof, MD
    14 Complications Involving Trial of Labor After Cesarean Delivery 131
    Steven Warsof, MD
    15 Delays on the Labor and Delivery Unit 142
    Shlomo Tendler, MD; and Steven Warsof, MD
    16 Complications From Cesarean Deliveries 151
    Steven Warsof, MD
    17 The Importance of the Medical Record 155
    Steven Warsof, MD
    18 Utilization of Rh Immune Globulin (RhoGam) 159
    Shlomo Tendler, MD; and Steven Warsof, MD
    19 Genetics in Obstetrics 165
    Susan Phillips, MS, CGC; and Steven Warsof, MD
    20 Supervision of Residents and Those in Training 173
    Hadi Ramadan, MD
    21 The Role of the Physician Extenders 180
    Wendy Graefe, CNM, MSContents xv
    22 The Second Victims: Physician and Family 189
    Eric Swisher, MD; Jonathan Gleason, MD; and Patrice Weiss, MD
    23 How to Prepare to Be a Defendant 198
    Rodney Adams, JD
    24 Malpractice and Patient Safety: Strange Bedfellows 212
    Paul Gluck, MD
    25 Medical Legal Risks of Telemedicine 225
    Bradley Davidsen, JD; and Francesca Ozinal, JD
    26 Socialized Medicine and Malpractice—An International
    Perspective 239
    David Peleg, MD; Omer Pelled, PhD (Law); and Steven Warsof, MD
    27 The Need for Medical Legal Reform and the Future:
    Three States Where Medical Malpractice Reform Has
    Made a Difference 245
    James Shwayder, MD, JD
    28 Like It or Not the System Works: The Myth and the Mission
    of Tort Reform 251
    Pamela Pantages, JD
    Glossary 259
    Index 263
    • Provides a comprehensive summary of each case along with the clinical outcome, perspectives of the plaintiff and defendant, outcome of the case (when known), best practices for prevention (with a focus on preventable vs. non-preventable risk), standard points of care, and key takeaway points.
    • Offers best practices for prevention and highlights key learning points for minimizing preventable risk.
    • Includes chapters by notable maternal-fetal medicine specialists and attorneys with expertise in this complex area.

    Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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Legal Concepts and Best Practices in Obstetrics

Legal Concepts and Best Practices in Obstetrics

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496394156
USD $89.99 Quantity:
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