Concise, readable, and engaging, MRI: The Basics, 4th Edition , offers an excellent introduction to the physics behind MR imaging. Clinically relevant coverage includes everything from basic principles and key math concepts to more advanced topics, including the latest MR techniques and optimum image creation. Hundreds of high-quality illustrations, board-style questions and answers, legible equations, and instructive diagrams take you from the basics of MR physics through current applications. Feautures:
Contains all-new chapters on general MR safety and contrast safety, as well as a new chapter on motion correction.
Addresses timely topics such as susceptibility-weighted imaging (including other potential uses beyond hemorrhage detection), Restriction Spectrum Imaging (RSI), MR elastography, and MR relaxometry.
Provides 100 new board-style questions in a separate chapter, as well as problem-solving and multiple choice questions in each chapter.
Includes key points at the end of each chapter for quick reference and review.
Ideal for radiologists, radiology residents and fellows, and radiologic technologists, as well as other professionals who encounter MRI in their practice, and those preparing for exams.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
November 6, 2017
Ray H. Hashemi MD, PhD
Director and CEO, Advanced Imaging Center, Inc., Lancaster, CA
Christopher J. Lisanti MD, Col (ret) USAF, MC, S
Chief, Body MRI, Department of Radiology, Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, TX
William Bradley Jr. MD, PhD
Director, MRI and Radiology Research, Department of Radiology, Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, Long Beach, CA
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