Perfect for residents to use during rotations, or as a quick review for practicing radiologists and fellows, Musculoskeletal Imaging: The Essentials is a complete, concise overview of the most important knowledge in this complex field. Each chapter begins with learning objectives and ends with board-style questions that help you focus your learning. A self-assessment examination at the end of the book tests your mastery of the content and prepares you for exams.
Follows the proven Essentials Series format to provide a comprehensive yet concise overview of clinical musculoskeletal imaging.
Features image-rich, case-based multiple-choice questions with answers that provide self-assessment and mimic what you’re likely to see on exams.
Emphasizes a conceptual approach to understanding imaging findings of bone, joint, and soft tissue conditions on all modalities used for musculoskeletal imaging.
Helps you successfully absorb key ideas and facts through behaviorally based learning objectives that support the most current residency curriculum from the Society of Skeletal Radiology.
Puts indispensable information at your fingertips in a compact and practical, high-yield format.
Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience:
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
June 25, 2018
Felix S. Chew MD
Professor, Vice Chair for Education, Department of Radiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC
Follows the proven Essentials Series format to provide a comprehensive yet concise overview of clinical musculoskeletal imaging.
Features image-rich, case-based multiple-choice questions with answers that provide self-assessment and mimic what you’re likely to see on exams.
Emphasizes a conceptual approach to understanding imaging findings of bone, joint, and soft tissue conditions on all modalities used for musculoskeletal imaging.
Helps you successfully absorb key ideas and facts through behaviorally based learning objectives that support the most current residency curriculum from the Society of Skeletal Radiology.
Puts indispensable information at your fingertips in a compact and practical, high-yield format.
Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience:
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
“This book covers the essential knowledge in musculoskeletal imaging and helps prepare residents for the CORE examination by adhering to the curriculum created by the Society for Skeletal Radiology.
The purpose is to provide the essential knowledge of musculoskeletal imaging to residents while simultaneously helping them prepare for the CORE exam. This is accomplished through learning objectives presented at the beginning of each chapter, numerous high-quality teaching illustrations, many tables, and self assessment both at the end of each chapter and the end of the book.
The two main important features of this book are the high-quality illustrations and the self-assessment/learning points in each chapter. The learning points help keep readers on track and the images demonstrate multiple examples with succinct captions and sufficient detail while also providing a quick reference for those wanting a refresher. The final self assessment is a thorough 100-question exam with even more examples to help solidify important teaching points. The book also has relevant and updated references on all of the topics.
Overall, this book accomplishes its goals. It provides a sound foundation in musculoskeletal imaging with a wide array of illustrations that help drive home points that are essential to the discipline. It is an extremely useful book for those just starting out a rotation centered on musculoskeletal imaging and those preparing for the CORE exam.”
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