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A Practical Approach to Transesophageal Echocardiography

Edition: 4
Publication Date:
August 19, 2019
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With updated content and new expert contributors, A Practical Approach to Transesophageal Echocardiography, Fourth Edition is every clinician’s go-to reference ...
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  • With updated content and new expert contributors, A Practical Approach to Transesophageal Echocardiography, Fourth Edition is every clinician’s go-to reference for TEE skill-building. The book is written concisely, so you can quickly digest and apply critical information in a real clinical setting. Numerous figures throughout each chapter and hundreds of video clips on the eBook paint an important visual picture, illuminating the textual explanations and instructions.
    • Deals with topics and subjects for all levels of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) usage and testing.
    • Now with new information on interventional cardiology, transthoracic echocardiography, and the mitral valve.
    • Brief self-assessments close each chapter, giving you the opportunity to test your skills knowledge immediately.
    • More than 200 clinical and procedural video clips are available in the eBook bundled with this text.
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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    August 19, 2019
  • Albert C. Perrino Jr., MD
    Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
    Scott T. Reeves MD, MBA, FACC
    Professor, Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
    1. Principles and Technology of Two-Dimensional Echocardiography ................................................................... 2
    Michelle Gorgone, Andrew Maslow, and Albert C. Perrino, Jr.
    2. Two-Dimensional Examination ..................................................................................................................................... 28
    Joseph P . Miller
    3. Left Ventricular Systolic Performance and Pathology ........................................................................................... 71
    Alena Rady and Susan Garwood
    4. Diagnosis of Myocardial Ischemia .............................................................................................................................. 112
    Joachim M. Erb and Manfred D. Seeberger
    5. Doppler Technology and Technique .......................................................................................................................... 136
    Albert C. Perrino, Jr.
    6. Quantitative Doppler and Hemodynamics ............................................................................................................. 153
    Tzong Huei Chen, Andrew Maslow, and Albert C. Perrino, Jr.
    7. Echocardiographic Evaluation of Ventricular Diastolic Function .................................................................... 174
    Amit Bardia and Wanda M. Popescu
    8. Mitral Regurgitation ........................................................................................................................................................ 200
    Adam M. Dryden and A. Stephane Lambert
    9. Mitral Valve Stenosis ........................................................................................................................................................ 220
    Megan P . Kostibas, Mary Beth Brady, and Colleen G. Koch
    10. Mitral Valve Repair ............................................................................................................................................................ 238
    Maurice Hogan and Jöerg Ender
    11. Aortic Regurgitation ........................................................................................................................................................ 273
    Praveen Mehrotra and Ira S. Cohen
    12. Aortic Stenosis ................................................................................................................................................................... 292
    Praveen Mehrotra and Ira S. Cohen
    13. Prosthetic Valves ............................................................................................................................................................... 313
    Albert T. Cheung and Worasak Keeyapaj
    14. Right Ventricle, Right Atrium, Tricuspid and Pulmonic Valves .......................................................................... 345
    André Y . Denault, Etienne J. Couture, Ying Tung Sia, and Georges Desjardins
    15. Transesophageal Echocardiography for Coronary Revascularization ........................................................... 382
    Donna L. Greenhalgh, Henry J. Skinner, and Justiaan Swanevelder
    16. Intraprocedural Echocardiographic Guidance for Transcatheter Interventions
    in Aortic and Mitral Position ......................................................................................................................................... 408
    Chirojit Mukherjee
    17. Transesophageal Echocardiography of the Thoracic Aorta .............................................................................. 431
    Michele L. Sumler and Roman M. Sniecinski
    Contents18. Critical Care Echocardiography ................................................................................................................................... 449
    Etienne J. Couture, Caroline E. Gebhard, Stephan Langevin, and André Y . Denault
    19. Transesophageal Echocardiography for Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult ...................................... 473
    Pablo Motta, Carolyn L. Taylor, and Wanda C. Miller-Hance
    20. Cardiac Masses and Embolic Sources ........................................................................................................................ 527
    Farid Jadbabaie
    21. 3D TEE Imaging ................................................................................................................................................................. 544
    Annette Vegas
    22. Common Artifacts and Pitfalls of Clinical Echocardiography ........................................................................... 564
    Fabio Guarracino and Albert C. Perrino, Jr.
    23. Techniques and Tricks for Optimizing Transesophageal Images ..................................................................... 583
    Loren R. Francis, Eric Nelson, Alan C. Finley, and Scott T. Reeves
    A. Cardiac Cross Section Criteria ...................................................................................................................................... 596
    B. Cardiac Dimensions ......................................................................................................................................................... 600
    C. Hemodynamic Calculations .......................................................................................................................................... 601
    D. Valve Prostheses ................................................................................................................................................................ 602
    E. Classification of the Severity of Valvular Disease .................................................................................................. 609
    F. Answers to End-of-Chapter Questions ..................................................................................................................... 613
    Index ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 631
    Contents xi
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A Practical Approach to Transesophageal Echocardiography

A Practical Approach to Transesophageal Echocardiography

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496383495
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