Comprehensive and written in a simple, to-the-point style, the brand-new Making the Diagnosis: A Video-Enhanced Guide to Identifying Musculoskeletal Disorders ...
Comprehensive and written in a simple, to-the-point style, the brand-new Making the Diagnosis: A Video-Enhanced Guide to Identifying Musculoskeletal Disorders combines physical diagnostic techniques with related radiographic imaging to help you address a variety of injuries and disorders in adults and children. Each section focuses on a specific anatomical area—such as the knee, shoulder, hip, spine, and others—and goes in-depth into the physical exam, important radiologic findings, and suggested treatments.
Edited by two University of Virginia medical system orthopaedic surgeons with extensive experience and expertise in diagnosing orthopaedic disorders.
Presented in four-color format with more than 500 illustrations to illuminate the visual aspect of the latest interventional techniques.
Includes up-to-the-minute content for diagnosing disorders and injuries, such as scoliosis, in both adult and pediatric patients.
Ebook contains an expansive video library of step-by-step demos of the latest, most effective diagnostic physical exam techniques.
Ideal for any practitioner—from orthopaedic surgeons to family physicians to chiropractors—who encounters patients with a musculoskeletal disorder.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
February 18, 2019
Mark D. Miller MD
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA
Ian J. Dempsey MD, MBA
Edited by two University of Virginia medical system orthopaedic surgeons with extensive experience and expertise in diagnosing orthopaedic disorders.
Presented in four-color format with more than 500 illustrations to illuminate the visual aspect of the latest interventional techniques.
Includes up-to-the-minute content for diagnosing disorders and injuries, such as scoliosis, in both adult and pediatric patients.
Ebook contains an expansive video library of step-by-step demos of the latest, most effective diagnostic physical exam techniques.
Ideal for any practitioner—from orthopaedic surgeons to family physicians to chiropractors—who encounters patients with a musculoskeletal disorder.
Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Making the Diagnosis in Orthopaedics: A Multimedia Guide
ISBN/ISSN: 9781496381149
USD $114.99 Quantity:
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