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Bridge the gap between neuroscience and mental illness/mental health with this straightforward and reader-friendly resource! The Neuroscience of Clinical Psychiatry, 3rd Edition is a highly readable, in-depth text ideal for residents studying for boards, practicing psychiatrists, and any mental health professional seeking an overview of the neuroscience revolution. Focusing on the basic neuroscientific concepts underlying normal behavior and commonly encountered disorders, Dr. Edmund S. Higgins and Dr. Mark S. George make complex information enjoyable, relevant, and easy to understand, ensuring that this Third Edition continues to be a trusted source of information on the neurologic underpinnings of psychiatric disorders.
Thoroughly covers the intersection of clinical psychiatry and neuroscience, including updated research and today’s best practices.
Offers a superbly written text, packed with essential information and featuring humorous details that keep readers engaged and focused.
Provides questions at the end of every chapter for self-assessment and review.
Includes high-quality illustrations, tables, and graphs that help readers learn complex concepts quickly and easily.
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience with Enhanced Video, Audio and Interactive Capabilities!
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Easily convert to audiobook , powering your content with natural language text-to-speech
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
March 1, 2018
Edmund Higgins
Thoroughly covers the intersection of clinical psychiatry and neuroscience, including updated research and today’s best practices.
Offers a superbly written text, packed with essential information and featuring humorous details that keep readers engaged and focused.
Provides questions at the end of every chapter for self-assessment and review.
Includes high-quality illustrations, tables, and graphs that help readers learn complex concepts quickly and easily.
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience with Enhanced Video, Audio and Interactive Capabilities!
Read directly on your preferred device(s ), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone
Easily convert to audiobook , powering your content with natural language text-to-speech
Adapt for unique reading needs , supporting learning disabilities, visual/auditory impairments, second-language or literacy challenges, and more
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