Ace the echocardiography boards with this unique review tool! Questions, Tricks, and Tips for the Echocardiography Boards provides one-of-a-kind assistance ...
Ace the echocardiography boards with this unique review tool! Questions, Tricks, and Tips for the Echocardiography Boards provides one-of-a-kind assistance directly from those who have recently passed the exam – including hundreds of questions and video clips that mimic what you’re likely to encounter. The Second Edition also incorporates valuable feedback from Dr. Sorrell’s recent fellows, ensuring complete, up-to-date coverage of the information you need to know to perform at your best on the exam.
Features 700+ questions and 350+ video clips with thorough explanations of both correct and incorrect answers, helping you place key concepts in the context of clinical practice.
Includes a new chapter on how to accurately maneuver the transducer for particular views and make other adjustments, challenging you to go beyond mere book learning to a more complete understanding of optimal image acquisition.
Incorporates questions related to new ASE guidelines, including new Class I and Class III indications.
Provides test prep techniques as well as tips to save time, reduce anxiety, and optimize exam performance.
Includes a practice exam that allows you to test your mastery of the content.
Contains hundreds of images, figures, and tables that address key topics.
Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience:
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
April 9, 2019
Vincent L. Sorrell MD, FACC, FACP, FASE
The Anthony N. DeMaria Chair in Cardiovascular Imaging Professor of Medicine Assistant Chief for the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine Director of Cardiovascular Imaging University of Kentucky Lexington, KY
Sasanka Jayasuriya , MBBS, FACC, FASE
Assistant Professor of Medicine Sarver Heart Center University of Arizona Tucson, AZ
Contents Contributors to the First Edition vi Contributors x Preface xi SECTION I INTRODUCTION 1 Vincent L. Sorrell and Sasanka Jayasuriya Tricks and Tips for Optimal Standardized Test-Taking 1 Vincent L. Sorrell and Sasanka Jayasuriya Statistics for the Echo Boards 7 Sasanka Jayasuriya SECTION II PHYSICS 11 V edant A. Gupta and Vincent L. Sorrell Basic Principles of 2D Ultrasound 11 Vedant A. Gupta and Vincent L. Sorrell Basic Principles of Doppler Ultrasound 23 Vincent L. Sorrell Instrumentation and Knobology 29 Vedant A. Gupta Understanding Spatial and Temporal Resolution 39 Vedant A. Gupta and Vincent L. Sorrell Microbubbles 45 Vincent L. Sorrell Common and Uncommon 2D Artifacts 54 Vedant A. Gupta and Vincent L. Sorrell Artifact with Doppler Echo 68 Vedant A. Gupta and Vincent L. Sorrell 10 Biologic Effects of Ultrasound 72 Vedant A. Gupta SECTION III THE ECHO EXAMINATION 75 Vincent L. Sorrell and Sasanka Jayasuriya 11 Understanding the AUC Guidelines 75 Sasanka Jayasuriya 12 Common TTE Anatomy 85 Sasanka Jayasuriya 13 Normal TEE Anatomy 94 Vincent L. Sorrell 14 Abnormal TEE Anatomy 103 Sasanka Jayasuriya 15 Noncardiac Findings on Echocardiograms 106 16 Image Acquisition (from Here to There) 112 Vincent L. Sorrell SECTION IV VAL VULAR HEART DISEASE 115 John R. Kotter 17 Aortic Stenosis 115 John R. Kotter 18 Aortic Regurgitation 128 John R. Kotter 19 Mitral Stenosis 137 John R. Kotter 20 Mitral Regurgitation 145 John R. Kotter 21 Tricuspid and Pulmonic Pathology 155 John R. Kotter 22 Normal and Abnormal Prosthetic Valve Features 163 Vincent L. Sorrell SECTION V VENTRICULAR MEASUREMENTS 179 Vidya Nadig 23 2D Measures 179 Sasanka Jayasuriya 24 Doppler Measurements 188 Vidya Nadig 25 M-Mode Findings 202 Sasanka Jayasuriya 26 Diastolic Physiology 208 Vidya Nadig 27 Right V entricular Physiology 222 Vidya Nadig SECTION VI CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE 229 Vincent L. Sorrell 28 Acute Coronary Syndromes and Infarct Complications 229 Vincent L. Sorrell 29 Echo Features of Chronic CAD 239 Vincent L. Sorrell 30 Stress Echocardiography 248SECTION VII CARDIOMYOPATHIES 259 Maya E. Guglin 31 Dilated Cardiomyopathy 259 Maya E. Guglin 32 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 268 Maya E. Guglin 3 Echo Features of Restrictive Cardiomyopathy 276 Vincent L. Sorrell 34 Echo Features of Other Cardiomyopathies 286 Maya E. Guglin 35 Normal and Abnormal Appearance of Cardiac Devices 295 Maya E. Guglin 36 LV Dyssynchrony and Resynchronization Therapy 302 Vincent L. Sorrell SECTION VIII CONGENITAL HEART DISEASES 309 Kristopher M. Cumbermack 37 Echo in Cardiac Shunt Lesions 309 Majd Makhoul 38 Congenital V alve Lesions 318 Kristopher M. Cumbermack 39 Arterial Anomalies 326 Majd Makhoul 40 Venous Malformations 335 Kristopher M. Cumbermack 41 Heart Diseases in Congenital Syndromes 341 Majd Makhoul 42 Fetal Echocardiography for the Boards 349 Kristopher M. Cumbermack SECTION IX MASSES AND TUMORS 355 Mikel D. Smith 43 Pathologic Masses in the Atria 355 Mikel D. Smith 44 Masses and Tumors of the Ventricles 359 Vincent L. Sorrell 45 Pathologic Masses on the Valves 367 Mikel D. Smith SECTION X PERICARDIUM 391 Steve Leung 47 Pericardial Effusions 396 Steve Leung 48 Pericardial Constraint 405 Vincent L. Sorrell SECTION XI AORTA 423 Steve Leung 49 Echo of the Normal and Diseased Aorta 423 Steve Leung 50 Acute Aortic Syndromes 429 Steve Leung SECTION XII THE GUIDELINES 439 Vincent L. Sorrell 51 59 Case Examples Using Recent Echo-Relevant Guidelines and Consensus Documents 439 Vincent L. Sorrell SECTION XIII NEWER APPLICA TIONS 471 Paul Anaya 52 3-Dimensional Echocardiography 471 Paul Anaya 53 Echo Strain for the Boards 486 Paul Anaya 54 Echocardiography during Interventional Procedures 499 Paul Anaya 55 Intraoperative Echocardiography for the Boards 515 Vincent L. Sorrell 56 Invasive Echo for the Boards 523 Vincent L. Sorrell SECTION XIV MULTIMODAL CONCEPTS 531 Vincent L. Sorrell 57 Echo as It Relates to Multimodal Imaging 531 Vincent L. Sorrell SECTION XV PRACTICE EXAM 545 Vincent L. Sorrell and Niti Aggarwal 58 Practice Exam 545 Vincent L. Sorrell and Niti Aggarwal
Features 700+ questions and 350+ video clips with thorough explanations of both correct and incorrect answers, helping you place key concepts in the context of clinical practice.
Includes a new chapter on how to accurately maneuver the transducer for particular views and make other adjustments, challenging you to go beyond mere book learning to a more complete understanding of optimal image acquisition.
Incorporates questions related to new ASE guidelines, including new Class I and Class III indications.
Provides test prep techniques as well as tips to save time, reduce anxiety, and optimize exam performance.
Includes a practice exam that allows you to test your mastery of the content.
Contains hundreds of images, figures, and tables that address key topics.
Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Questions, Tricks, and Tips for the Echocardiography Boards
ISBN/ISSN: 9781496370297
USD $134.99 Quantity:
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