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LIPPINCOTT NCLEX-PN ALTERNATE-FORMAT QUESTIONS, 4E is designed to help anyone preparing to take the PN licensing examination. Students and faculty also use the book as a study guide and practice tests for preparing for faculty-made examinations. With Lippincott PassPoint , the products used together can act as an ongoing assessment tool to monitor progress throughout the nursing curriculum. This 4th edition has everything needed for students to be fully prepared to answer every type of question found on NCLEX. More than 300 questions include multiple-response, drag-and-drop, hotspot, audio, chart, graphic option, and fill-in-the blank questions. Also included is a comprehensive test with an additional 120 questions. Rationales are clear and detailed and cover correct as well as incorrect answers. Test-taking strategies help students dissect each question to its core components and provide keys to choosing the right answer. The book reviews all the topics covered on the actual NCLEX-PN. Hundreds of questions at the application level or above prompt active learning and higher-order thinking. Questions are aligned with the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) 2017 PN test plan and are written in the style used on the licensing examination. An accompanying PassPoint site provides an additional opportunity for students to practice for NCLEX while also giving a glimpse of the full PassPoint experience.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
7 x 10
Publication Date
May 17, 2017
Diana Rupert BSN, MSN
Alignment with the 2017 NCLEX-PN Test Plan
All material will be reviewed, revised, and edited in accordance with outcomes of the NCLEX-PN Practice Analysis and Test Plan.
The percentages of questions throughout the book and in the comprehensive tests will be consistent with the coverage allotted to the various Client Needs categories found in the NCLEX-PN 2017 test plan.
Additional Items/Enhancements
New questions used to replace outdated content will be visually oriented.
Feedback from PassPoint on existing questions will be used to assist with targeting questions for updates, overhauls, replacements, etc.
A four-color design and art program will be implemented throughout.
Alignment With PassPoint
The questions in the book will include a PassPoint difficulty “rating” (Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Challenge). This is consistent with an enhancement made to the analogous RN title.
Emphasis on the link of the book to PassPoint PN in the front matter, on the cover, and in all promotional material will provide students with options for identifying areas for study and practice.
A free 7-day trial of PassPoint PN will be offered to students who purchase the product.
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