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Publishing Your Medical Research

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
August 17, 2016
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Publishing Your Medical Research is the second edition of the award-winning book that provides practical information on how to write ...
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  • Publishing Your Medical Research is the second edition of the award-winning book that provides practical information on how to write a publishable paper. This edition includes additional details to help medical researchers succeed in the competitive “publish or perish” world. Using a direct and highly informative style, it does more than help you write a paper; it presents the technical information, invaluable modern advice, and practical tips you need to get your paper accepted for publication. A singular source for the beginning and experienced researcher alike, Publishing Your Medical Research is a must for any physician, fellow, resident, medical scientist, graduate student, or biostatistician seeking to be published.

    Praise for Publishing Your Medical Research

    “This book is an excellent and well-documented guide to the design of clinical trials, the analysis of data, and the construction of a high-quality manuscript. Both the novice and the expert will derive many helpful suggestions from its content.”
    Gertrude B. Elion, D.Sc.
    Nobel Laureate in Medicine

    “Where medical school lacks, this book provides. In one volume, Dan Byrne gathers essential information for all authors interested in publishing biomedical papers.”
    Robert Jacoby
    Former Editor, American Medical Writers Association Journal

    Book Awards:
    • American Medical Writers Association: Will Solimene Award, Outstanding quality - Print media
    • Ralph A. Deterling Award, Distinction in Medical Communication
    • Morris Fishbein Award, Honorable mention for excellence in medical communication for health professionals
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    August 17, 2016
  • Daniel W. Byrne
$ USD $69.99 55.99 USD $55.99
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Publishing Your Medical Research

Publishing Your Medical Research

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496367778
USD $69.99 Quantity :
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