Neck and back pain is one of the most common presenting complaints in primary care practice, but can be very challenging to diagnose and manage. Diagnosis and Management of Neck and Back Pain inPrimary Care helps you systematically approach this problem and give your patients the relief they so desperately need. Preeminent physician R. Douglas Collins, MD, FACP gives you the benefit of his decades of experience, offering a wealth of diagnostic pearls as well as holistic guidance on management – much of which is unavailable in any other single reference source. Features:
See how to evaluate patients step by step thanks to abundant color illustrations of the examination of patients with neck, thoracic, and low back pain.
Order the most appropriate laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures with guidance on the most effective and cost-effective approaches for a given presentation.
Recognize when low back pain is being caused by scoliosis due to a short leg.
Offer your patients relief through caudal epidural steroid injections, weight loss, simple back exercises, and other tried-and-true methods.
Know which patients you can treat yourself and which ones you should refer to an orthopedic or neurologic specialist.
Diagnosis and Management of Neck and Back Pain in Primary Care
ISBN/ISSN: 9781496362766
USD $96.99 Quantity:
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