Patients are flooded with conflicting information about the value of cancer screening tests and deciding when, or if, they should have them has never been more difficult. Cancer Screening Decisions: A Patient-Centered Approach is a hands-on tool for clinicians to use with patients as they weigh the personal advantages and disadvantages of cancer screenings. Taking a uniquely visual approach, every page offers clear, colorful graphics to walk you and your patients through every step of the decision-making process for the four most common cancers: breast, colorectal, lung, and prostate. It's a vital resource for every clinician looking to personalize care and empower patients to make the best possible choices for their health.
Cancer Screening Decisions: A Patient-Centered Approach is an exceptional, visual resource designed with a strong emphasis on a shared decision-making process. It is created with sturdy, coated pages spiral bound at the top so that patients can easily view information as the book stands vertically. Patient-facing pages are image-rich and easy to understand; while the provider-facing pages contain step-by-step talking points, easy to understand explanations of complex concepts, and effective communication strategies for each type of screening to guide your conversation. With this resource, you or other members of your care team are uniquely equipped to help guide patients through difficult decision making and inform them completely about the advantages and disadvantages of each screening and what is right for them.
A primer on shared decision making, designed to be used by you or other members of your care team together with patients
Pros and cons of each screening under discussion
Simple, evidence-based infographics that make cancer screening data easy to understand
Desktop flip design for dual use between patient and clinician
Patient-facing pages that distill complex, yet essential information into helpful visuals and graphics
Clinician-facing pages that serve as practical guides for facilitating challenging conversations
An effective, patient-friendly way to personalize care that is also efficient for your busy practice, saving you time while providing the highest quality patient care
Uniquely designed to improve patient-provider communication, increase patient participation in and knowledge of care options, and reduce decisional conflict as patients make choices that align with their personal values
Large, colored tabs make navigation quick and simple
Product Format
Hardcover Spiralbound Book
Trim Size
8.375 x 10.875
Publication Date
November 9, 2017
Ronald Adler MD
Dr. Adler's exceptional work is easy to read, understand and share with your patients. It IS the very tool needed to assist in shared decision making. Cancer Screening Decisions introduces the pros and cons of testing for the most common cancers and delivers the statistics in terms everyone can understand, with the best and most current data and easy to read graphics.Cancer Screening Decisions is the future of helping you to understand your patients' questions and concerns about whether a cancer screening test is right for them. - Frank J. Domino, MD Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worchester, MA Editor-in-Chief, The 5-Minute Clinical Consult
A primer on shared decision making, designed to be used by you or other members of your care team together with patients
Pros and cons of each screening under discussion
Simple, evidence-based infographics that make cancer screening data easy to understand
Desktop flip design for dual use between patient and clinician
Patient-facing pages that distill complex, yet essential information into helpful visuals and graphics
Clinician-facing pages that serve as practical guides for facilitating challenging conversations
An effective, patient-friendly way to personalize care that is also efficient for your busy practice, saving you time while providing the highest quality patient care
Uniquely designed to improve patient-provider communication, increase patient participation in and knowledge of care options, and reduce decisional conflict as patients make choices that align with their personal values
Large, colored tabs make navigation quick and simple
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