The Digital Echo Atlas: A Multimedia Reference is a first-of-its-kind imaging resource made up of extensive and innovative digital content accompanied by a print book that provides a brief overview of topics and cases, with icons that quickly guide you to the digital material. The text, written by Dr. Stephen D. Clements of Emory University, provides expert clinical guidance and offers real-world cases throughout, ensuring that this unique resource package is a go-to learning and reference tool useful for cardiology fellows, practitioners, cardiac sonographers, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and residents. It can also be used as a mobile teaching tool on rounds or in the classroom.
The digital content available through the eBook bundled with the text, contains expanded chapters and includes: • Hundreds of topics with accompanying echo clips, images, and figures • Multi-modality imaging of many conditions; MRI, EKG, and CT scans covering the entire heart structure and the full range of cardiovascular abnormalities, where relevant • The opportunity to easily view more than 1000 echo clips as they would appear in the lab, including those you may not encounter regularly • Case presentations that offer a better understanding of particular conditions and how they should be approached
In the companion book, you’ll find highly illustrated, full-color coverage which is enhanced by the digital material available through the eBook bundle. The print volume is both a quick clinical reference and a useful guide to the wealth of digital content, as well as a source of practical information such as transducer maneuvers, ASE guidelines, Abbreviations, fundamentals of producing an echocardiogram, and case presentations. Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience:
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
September 25, 2018
Stephen D. Clements MD
Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta, Georgia
Chapter 1 The Left Atrium and the Left Atrial Appendage Chapter 2 The Left Ventricle Chapter 3 The Mitral Valve Apparatus Chapter 4 The Aortic Valve, Ascending Aorta, Aortic Arch, Descending Thoracic and Abdominal Aortas Chapter 5 The Right Atrium Chapter 6 The Tricuspid Valve Chapter 7 The Right Ventricle Chapter 8 The Pericardium Chapter 9 Neoplasms and the Heart Chapter 10 Congenital Heart Disease Chapter 11 Multimodality Imaging and Structural Heart Interventions
The digital content available through the eBook bundled with the text, contains expanded chapters and includes: • Hundreds of topics with accompanying echo clips, images, and figures • Multi-modality imaging of many conditions; MRI, EKG, and CT scans covering the entire heart structure and the full range of cardiovascular abnormalities, where relevant • The opportunity to easily view more than 1000 echo clips as they would appear in the lab, including those you may not encounter regularly • Case presentations that offer a better understanding of particular conditions and how they should be approached
Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience:
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
This atlas presents a crucial overview of assorted topics in echocardiography.
The purpose is to provide an immediate visual reference to the fundamental concepts that are key for learning echocardiography interpretation.
This book is most suitable for general cardiologists or cardiology fellows who are looking to master the skill of interpreting cardiac ultrasound.
Each of the 11 chapters depicts a different chamber of the heart and presents the anatomy, physiology, and images for each view to help readers hone their skills in the interpretation of echocardiograms. In some chapters, a case presentation is provided to help readers understand associated disease processes.
As cardiac ultrasound is a frequently used test to evaluate the heart and major vessels, it is important to have a comprehensive yet simple resource such as this atlas. For this reason, it is a go-to resource for general cardiologists and general cardiology fellows.
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