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Clinical Anatomy Cases

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
May 5, 2016
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Clinical Anatomy Cases integrates anatomy, physical examination, and medical imaging into a single, practical resource—an ideal presentation for today’s students ...
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  • Clinical Anatomy Cases integrates anatomy, physical examination, and medical imaging into a single, practical resource—an ideal presentation for today’s students and residents. Carefully organized content presents normal, clinical, and radiologic anatomy, along with case examples, relevant physical examination information, and clinical pearls. Written and developed by students, residents, physicians, and instructors, Clinical Anatomy Cases is a valuable resource for coursework in medical, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, dental, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and other health programs as well as for board exam preparation and as an introduction to radiology during the transition to clinical rotations and practice.
    This first edition features:
    • More than 80 clinical cases organized by region with corresponding systems overviews as well as typical lab tests, functional testing, and diagnostic imaging presenting full, integrated cases.
    • A highly visual presentation with more than 320 illustrations, photographs, and images to lead students through normal anatomy and common clinical presentations and diseases.
    • Specialty icons that identify case content for Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Surgery, and Internal Medicine.
    • Lists of differential diagnoses and high-yield clinical pearls that help students think through clinical scenarios.
    • Co-authors of the best-selling anatomy textbooks Clinically Oriented Anatomy and Essential Clinical Anatomy .
    Students and faculty can utilize this interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like:
    • Complete content with enhanced navigation
    • Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
    • Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
    • Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
    • Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
    • Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    May 5, 2016
  • Sagar Dugani MD, PhD
    Jeffrey E. Alfonsi BASc, MD
    Anne M. R. Agur BSc(OT), MSc, PhD
    Professor, Division of Anatomy, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy, Department of Occupational Therapy, Division of Biomedical Communications, Institute of Medical Science, Graduate Department of Rehabilitation Science, Graduate Department of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Arthur F. Dalley PhD, FAAA
    Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Adjunct Professor, Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Director, Structure, Function and Development and Anatomical Donations Program, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, University School of Physical Therapy, Nashville, TN, USA
  • Contributors
    Figure Credits

    Chapter 1. Integrated Approach to Clinical Encounters
    Chapter 2. Thorax
    Section I. Systems Overview
    Section II. Clinical Cases
    Chapter 3. Abdomen
    Section I. Systems Overview
    Section II. Clinical Cases
    Chapter 4. Pelvis
    Section I. Systems Overview
    Section II. Clinical Cases
    Chapter 5. Back
    Section I. Systems Overview
    Section II. Clinical Cases
    Chapter 6. Upper and Lower Extremities
    Section I. Systems Overview
    Section II. Clinical Cases
    Chapter 7. Head and Neck
    Section I. Systems Overview
    Section II. Clinical Cases

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Clinical Anatomy Cases

Clinical Anatomy Cases

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496352156
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