Known for its consistent, authoritative content and presentation, Shields Textbook of Glaucoma is the premier succinct and clinically focused text on the medical and surgical management of glaucoma. This full-color, easy-to-use reference offers a rational approach to every aspect of the field, including rare glaucomas, and presents a total care plan for the patient. The seventh edition brings you fully up to date with all that’s new in this rapidly changing field with new chapters, newly colorized line drawings, and an updated design for faster reference.
Presents clear, concise, highly illustrated information ideal for general ophthalmologists, residents, and other non-specialists who treat patients with glaucoma.
Includes new chapters on imaging; surgical management, including minimally invasive procedures such as micro-invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS); sustained drug delivery; and malignant glaucoma/aqueous misdirection.
Contains new images, newly colorized line drawings, and new icons that highlight and differentiate procedures for quick reference.
Covers advances in genetics, technology, and surgical treatment that impact your management and treatment decisions.
Offers expert information that is easy to find, clearly explained, and helpfully illustrated—all from an experienced team of authors who present a balanced, consistent approach throughout.
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