Instructor in Anesthesia Medical Director, Post Anesthesia Care Units Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts
Edward A Bittner MD, PhD, MS.Ed, FCCM
Associate Professor Program Director, Critical Care Anesthesiology Fellowship Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
Kevin H. Zhao MD
Chapter 1: Equipment Chapter2: Monitors Chapter 3: Induction Drugs Chapter 4: Inhaled Anesthetics Chapter 5: Perioperative Management Chapter 6: CardiovascularSystem Chapter 7: Respiratory System Chapter 8: Neurologic System Chapter 9: HEENT System Chapter 10: GI/GU System Chapter 11: Renal Chapter 12: Hematological/Oncological System Chapter 13: Endocrine System Chapter 14: Musculoskeletal System Chapter 15: Pediatric Anesthesia Chapter 16: Obstetrics Chapter 17: Pain Chapter 18: Regional Chapter 19: Intensive Care Medicine Chapter 20: Toxins & Drugs of Abuse Chapter 21: Statistics & Data Chapter 22: Ethics and Practice Management
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