For 25 years, Lewis's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry has been the cornerstone of every child and adolescent psychiatrist’s library. Now, three colleagues of Dr. Lewis at the world-renowned Yale Child Study Center, have substantially updated and revised this foundational textbook for its long-awaited fifth edition, the first in ten years. Encyclopedic in scope, it continues to serve as a broad reference, deftly encompassing and integrating scientific principles, research methodologies, and everyday clinical care. Feautres:
Ideal for anyone involved in the study or practice of child and adolescent psychiatry.
Includes new content on Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) approach advanced by the National Institute of Mental Health.
Section on telepsychiatry has been expanded, and psychopharmacology content has been updated and re-organized into five distinct yet linked components.
Chapters cover ethics, research methodologies, treating diverse populations, evidence-based practice, common disorders and syndromes, treatment options, legal issues, and more.
All royalties from the sale of the book will go to the Break the Cycle initiative of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
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Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
8.375 x 10.875
Publication Date
August 31, 2017
Andrés Martin MD, MPH
Associate Professor of Child Psychiatry and Psychiatry Child Study Center Yale University School of Medicine New Haven, Connecticut
Fred R. Volkmar MD
Irving Harris Professor of Child Psychiatry, Psychology, and Pediatrics, Director, Developmental Disabilities Clinic, Yale Child Study Center, New Haven, CT
Michael H. Bloch MD
Associate Professor in the Child Study Center Yale University School of Medicine New Haven, Connecticut
FOREWORD TO THE FOURTH EDITION PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS SECTION 1: AN APPROACH TO THE DISCIPLINE 1.1 The Art of the Science: A Child, Family and Systems-Centered Approach 1.2 Ethical Principles in the Practice of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 1.3 A Brief History of Child Psychiatry 1.4 Education and Training 1.5 International Child and Adolescent Mental Health 1.6 Child and Family Policy 1.7 Funding care SECTION 2: A DEVELOPMENTAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Normal Development 2.1.1 The Infant and Toddler 2.1.2 The Preschool Child 2.1.3 Development of School-Age Children 2.1.4 Adolescence 2.2 Diverse Populations 2.2.1 Cultural Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2.2.2 The Hearing or Visually Impaired Child 2.2.3 Sexual Minority Youth: Identity, Role and Orientation 2.3. Developmental Psychopathology 2.3 Developmental Psychopathology SECTION 3: SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATIONS 3.1 Research Methodology 3.1.1 Understanding Research Methods and Statistics: A Primer for Clinicians 3.1.2 Evidence-Based Practice as a Conceptual Framework 3.1.3 Respect for Children as Research Subjects 3.2. Epidemiology 3.2.1 Epidemiology 3.2.2 Prevention and Health Promotion 3.3 Neurobiology and Genetics 3.3.1 Developmental Neurobiology 3.3.2 Gene Discovery 3.3.3 Molecular Basis of Select Childhood Psychiatric Disorders SECTION 4: CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND NOSOLOGY 4.1 Formulation and Integration 4.2 Clinical Assessment of Infants and Toddlers 4.3 Clinical Assessment of children and Adolescents: Content and Structure 4.4 Psychological and Neuropsychological Assessment of Children 4.5 Assessing Communication 4.6 Structured Interviewing 4.7 Diagnostic Classification SECTION 5: SPECIFIC DISORDERS AND SYNDROMES 5.1 Attention and Disruptive Disorders 5.1.1 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 5.1.2 Oppositional Defiant and Conduct Disorders 5.1.3 Aggression: An Integrative Approach 5.1.4 Fire Behavior in Children and Adolescents 5.2 Developmental Disorders 5.2.1 Autism Spectrum Disorders 5.2.2 Intellectual Disabilities 5.2.3 Learning Disabilities 5.2.4 Communication Disorders 5.3 Psychotic Disorders 5.3 Childhood Onset Schizophrenia and Other Early-Onset Psychotic Disorders 5.4 Mood Disorders 5.4.1 Depressive Disorders 5.4.2 Bipolar Spectrum Disorders 5.4.3 Suicidal Behavior 5.5 Anxiety Disorders 5.5.1 Anxiety Disorders 5.5.2 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 5.5.3 Trichotillomania and Excoriation Diorders 5.6 Tic and Motor Disorders 5.6 Tourette's, Tic, and Motor Disorders 5.7 Eating Disorders 5.7.1 Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa 5.7.2 Eating and Growth Disorders in Infants and Children & Other feeding and eating disorders (Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID); Pica, Rumination Disorder, and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder 5.8 Substance Use Disorders 5.8 Substance Abuse 5.9 Sleep Disorders 5.9 Sleep Disorders 5. 10 Somatization in Children and Adolescents 5.1 Somatization Symptom Disorder 5.11 Delirium and Catatonia 5.11 Delirium and Catatonia 5.12 Elimination Disorders 5.12 Elimination Disorders: Enuresis and Encopresis 5.13 Personality Disorders 5.13 Personality Disorders in Children and Adolescents 5.14 Gender Variance and Gender Dysphoria 5.14 Gender Dysphoria 5.15 Neglect, Abuse, and Trauma-Related Conditions 5.15.1 Child Abuse and Neglect 5.15.2 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 5.15.3 Reactive Attachment Disorder 5.15.4 Medical Child Abuse 5.15.5 Children Exposed to Disaster SECTION 6: TREATMENT 6.1 Pediatric Psychopharmacology 6.1.1 Neurochemistry, Pharmacodynamics and Biological Psychiatry 6.1.2 Clinical and Developmental Aspects of Parmacokinetics and Drug Interactions 6.1.3 General Principles, Specific Drug Treatments, and Clinical Practice 6.2 Psychotherapies 6.2.1 Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents: A Critical Overview 6.2.2 Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies 6.2.3 Interpersonal Psychotherapy 6.2.4 Parent Management Training for Disruptive Disorders 6.2.5 Psychodynamic Principles in Practice 6.2.6 Group Therapy 6.2.7 Family Therapy 6.3 The Continuum of Care and Location-Specific Interventions 6.3.1 Designing Emergency Psychiatric Services for Children and Adolescents 6.3.2 Milieu-Based Treatment: Inpatient and Partial Hospitalization, Residential Treatment 6.3.3 Intensive Home-Based Family Preservation Approaches, Including Multisystemic Therapy 6.3.4 Community-Based Treatment and Services 6.3.5 Telepsychiatry SECTION 7: INTERFACE AREAS OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY 7.1 Pediatrics 7.1.1 Integrating Behavioral Services into Pediatric Care Settings 7.1.2 The Consultation and Liasion Processes to Pediatrics 7.2 Mental Health Issues in the Medically Ill Child or Adolescent 7.2.1 Cancer 7.2.2 The Role of the Childhood and Adolescent Psychiatrist on the Pediatric Transplant Service 7.2.3 Psychosocial Aspects of HIV/AIDS 7.2.4 Epilepsy 7.2.5 Life-Limiting Illness, Palliative Care and Bereavement 7.3 Schools 7.3 Schools 7.4 The Law 7.4.1 The Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist in Court 7.4.2 Divorce and Child Custody 7.4.3 Adoption 7.4.4 Malpractice and Professional Liability POSTSCRIPT
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