Home / Medicine / Illustrated Tips and Tricks for Intraoperative Imaging in Fracture Surgery

Illustrated Tips and Tricks for Intraoperative Imaging in Fracture Surgery

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
December 14, 2017
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An optimal view on the fluoroscope screen simplifies the procedure for the surgeon and improves the outcome for the patient. ...
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  • An optimal view on the fluoroscope screen simplifies the procedure for the surgeon and improves the outcome for the patient. Illustrated Tips and Tricks for Intraoperative Imaging in Fracture Surgery is a unique resource that expertly covers the use of intra-operative fluoroscopy in fracture surgery, bridging the gap between strategic patient positioning and maximizing the efficiency of fluoroscopy. Using an easy-to-follow, reader-friendly format, it provides a real-world understanding of the intra-operative C-arm’s capabilities and limitations, considering factors such as the fracture type, the operating table, positioning adjuncts, patient body habitus, and the functional range of the fluoroscope.
    • Emphasizes pre-operative planning in order to achieve the ideal relationship between positioning the patient correctly and obtaining accurate imaging.
    • Offers a concise review of the radiographic bony anatomy and what should be seen during fracture reduction and instrumentation.
    • Follows the successful Tips and Tricks format, focusing on detailed descriptions of technical tips and tricks for intraoperative imaging in fracture surgery.
    • Features a succinct bulleted text and hundreds of illustrations, clearing demonstrating what to do at every step of the procedure.
    • Ideal for everyone on the OR team, including the surgeon, technicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and nursing staff.

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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    Publication Date
    December 14, 2017
  • Michael J. Gardner MD
    Resident, Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, Harborview Hospital, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
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Illustrated Tips and Tricks for Intraoperative Imaging in Fracture Surgery

Illustrated Tips and Tricks for Intraoperative Imaging in Fracture Surgery

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496328960
USD $179.99 Quantity :
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