Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023!
Designed for rapid reference at the point of care, Manual of Clinical Anesthesiology is the clinician’s go-to resource for practical, clinically focused information on all aspects of anesthesia management. The comprehensive second edition consolidates multidisciplinary expertise in one resource, offering revised and updated content in a highly visual, portable format, with short, easy-to-read chapters, margin icons noting pearls and pitfalls, and more.
Presents information in a rapid-reference, outline format throughout, with color-coded sections, chapter summaries, pearls and pitfalls, cross-references to related text, and more.
Features new chapters on: Hemorrhage in Obstetrics, Highly Lethal Viruses (such as SARS and Ebola), Thromboelastogram/Point of Care Laboratory Interpretation, Hazards in the MRI Suite, and Substance Abuse in Medical Professionals, as well as new cognitive aids for Caudal Anesthesia, Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Ultrasound-Guided Neuraxial Anesthesia, OB Cardiac Arrest, Transthoracic Echo, and PALS.
Covers monitoring, equipment and procedures, anesthesia and comorbid diseases, pediatric anesthesia, subspecialty anesthesia, and other key topics.
Includes four full-color atlases that clearly depict procedures, transesophageal echocardiography, peripheral nerve blocks, and crisis management (including new crisis management checklists) as well as a drug dosing pull-out card.
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