Profusely illustrated basic book on pediatric orthopaedics aimed at the resident in orthopaedics, the general orthopaedic surgeon, and the pediatrician. ...
Profusely illustrated basic book on pediatric orthopaedics aimed at the resident in orthopaedics, the general orthopaedic surgeon, and the pediatrician. It is densely packed with relevanat clinical information and a multitude of illustrations presented in a highly structured style. -- NEW Additional readings to be eliminated, as web searching makes them unnecessary -- NEW Detailed steps in procedures to be deleted -- NEW Principles and recommended management to be added to each topic -- NEW Principles in boxed extracts to be added -- NEW Procedures will be modified to include before and after, and approaches, indications, and complications to be added -- NEW Text is expanded to make it more valuable to practicing orthopaedists --Author all recognised experts in the field --over 2,000 illustrations --Very conscise coverage of every pediatric condition
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
10.875 x 8.375
Publication Date
November 10, 2015
Lynn T. Staheli MD
Professor Emeritus, Department of Orthopedics, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA
Mohammad Diab
-- NEW Additional readings to be eliminated, as web searching makes them unnecessary -- NEW Detailed steps in procedures to be deleted -- NEW Principles and recommended management to be added to each topic -- NEW Principles in boxed extracts to be added -- NEW Procedures will be modified to include before and after, and approaches, indications, and complications to be added -- NEW Text is expanded to make it more valuable to practicing orthopaedists --Author all recognised experts in the field --over 2,000 illustrations --Very conscise coverage of every pediatric condition
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