Biopsy Interpretation of the Kidney and Adrenal Gland'
This practical volume in the Biopsy Interpretation Series is your guide to effective diagnostic biopsy of the kidney and adrenal glands. Presented in a reader-friendly format, the text includes abundant photomicrographs of actual biopsy samples as well as correlative photos of surgical specimens and ancillary immunohistochemical studies.
Each organ is addressed in a separate section that includes an introduction to biopsy techniques and an overview of normal histology. Positive diagnoses for renal lesions are described by tumor type. Adrenal lesions are grouped by primary and metastatic tumors, reflecting the main diagnostic considerations at the adrenal site. Uniquely detailed focus addresses the specific techniques and interpretive features of renal and adrenal biopsy. Timely content addresses the use of renal biopsy in minimally invasive therapeutic techniques as well as its role in active surveillance of renal masses. The latest ISUP classifications reflect newly described renal tumors discussed at the March 2012 USCAP annual meeting. Clinical implications of each diagnosis are highlighted throughout the text to guide therapeutic decision-making.
Look inside and explore… • Uniquely detailed focus addresses the specific techniques and interpretive features of renal and adrenal biopsy. • Timely content addresses the use of renal biopsy in minimally invasive therapeutic techniques as well as its role in active surveillance of renal masses. • The latest ISUP classifications reflect newly described renal tumors discussed at the March 2012 USCAP annual meeting. • Clinical implications of each diagnosis are highlighted throughout the text to guide therapeutic decision-making.
Pick up your copy today!
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
6 x 9
Publication Date
September 2, 2015
Satish Tickoo
Attending Pathologist, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York
Ying-Bei Chen
Assistant Attending Pathologist, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York
Debra Zynger
Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Director, Division of Genitourinary Pathology, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio
Look inside and explore…B>• Uniquely detailed focus addresses the specific techniques and interpretive features of renal and adrenal biopsy. • Timely content addresses the use of renal biopsy in minimally invasive therapeutic techniques as well as its role in active surveillance of renal masses. • The latest ISUP classifications reflect newly described renal tumors discussed at the March 2012 USCAP annual meeting. • Clinical implications of each diagnosis are highlighted throughout the text to guide therapeutic decision-making.
Biopsy Interpretation of the Kidney & Adrenal Gland
ISBN/ISSN: 9781496325570
USD $199.99 Quantity:
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