Home / Medicine / Pediatric and Adolescent Knee Surgery

Pediatric and Adolescent Knee Surgery

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
June 18, 2015
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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    June 18, 2015
  • Frank Cordasco
    Daniel Green MD
  • 1 Introduction
    Section 1 ACL Injury
    2 Epidemiology Pediatric and Adolescent Knee ACL Injury
    3 Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics
    4 Gender Specific Issues & ACL
    5 Historical Approach: Non-Operative
    6 Technique: Modified McIntosh
    7 Technique: Anderson Technique
    8 Technique: All-Epiphyseal Sockets
    9 Technique: Partial Transphyseal (Hybrid)
    10 Technique: Complete Transphyseal Hamstring Autograft
    11 Brief overview of surgical ACL options… algorithm based on age
    12 Pediatric and Adolescent Post-ACL Rehabilitation
    13 Controversies in Return to Play
    14 ACL Prevention programs
    Section 2 Patellofemoral Instability
    15 Overview Epidemiology, Pathomechanics, Assessment
    16 Technique: Quad Tendon MPFL
    17 Technique: Hamstring MPFL
    18 Technique: Distal Realignment Pediatric
    19 Technique: Distal Realignment Tibial tubercle osteotomy
    20 Post-operative Rehabilitation
    Section 3 Osteochondritis Dissecans
    21 Overview Epidemiology, Etiology, Classification, Assessment
    22 OCD Drilling Transarticular
    23 Retrograde
    24 Technique: ORIF Compression Metal Fixation
    25 Technique: ORIF Biodegradeable Fixation
    26 Oats / Allograft
    27 Technique: Frontiers of Cartilage Restoration
    Section 4 Discoid Meniscus
    28 Overview Epidemiology, Classification, Assessment
    29 Technique: Arthroscopic Repair & Saucerization
    30 Meniscal Transplant in the Adolescent
    Section 5 Pediatric and Adolescent Knee Fractures
    31 Tibial Tubercle Fractures
    32 "Tibial Spine/ACL Avulsion Fractures Overview
    Technique Screw"
    33 "Tibial Spine/ACL Avulsion Fractures Overview
    Technique Suture "
    34 Salter-Harris Distal Femur and Proximal Tibia Fractures
    35 Patella Sleeve Fracture
    Section 6 Physis
    36 Diagnostic Imaging
    37 Growth Plate Anatomy
    38 Assessment of Growth Remaining
    39 Surgical Treatment of Growth Arrest
    40 Implant Mediated Guided Growth for Genu Valgum and Genu Varum
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Pediatric and Adolescent Knee Surgery

Pediatric and Adolescent Knee Surgery

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496318039
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